Friday 16th OCTOBER, 2009
Lecture-Demo 7.45 - 9.00 p.m.

Saturday, 17th OCTOBER, 2009
A.G.M. 1.15 p.m.

The Festival 2.00 - 5.45 p.m.
Evening Meal 6.30 p.m.
Evening Dance 8.00 - 10.30 p.m.
& introducing
Sunday morning, 18th OCTOBER, 2009

Costume & Accessories Bring and Buy

The 26th EDC Festival takes us to Cambridge, a city of incredible architecture, which boasts an impressive range of colleges, ancient and modern, and some of the world’s most famous museums.

The weekend starts on Friday, at 6.30 p.m., in Long Road Sixth Form College, with a Light Supper. NB: This must be ordered in advance.

At 7.30 p.m. The Tudor Tailor will present The Tudor Wardrobe - two Henrician women, one middle, one lower class, first in workday clothes and then, with more or less change, in their Sunday best. Details of the nature and quality of the materials and conventions applying to dress will be discussed. After the talk, the Tailors will offer the chance to look closely at the costumes and happily answer your questions.

Saturday’s Festival, in the College’s Main Hall, runs from 2 p.m. to 5.45 p.m. This will be preceded by the AGM at 1.15. Please come promptly and give us your personal input on the running and development of your society.

As well as the usual group and solo demonstrations, the Festival will also include the now standard three sessions of general dancing.

Tables will be available for those who wish to sell their products. These must be booked in advance: a fee of £5.00 should be paid when booking your table.

Saturday Lunch must be ordered in advance. Please fill in the relevant part of the Form, clearly indicating your choice of Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian food.

Light refreshments will be available for purchase throughout the day.

Saturday Evening starts with supper at 6.30 p.m. Please fill in the relevant part of the form, again indicating your choice of Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian food.

After the meal, we will enjoy an evening of ‘Dancing through the Ages’ provided by our own callers. No costume required.

Sunday morning will offer a new prospect: a Costume Bring and Buy for all your unwanted costumes, or parts of costume, and for material and other accessories. Tables for this, which may be shared, must be booked in advance. See Form.

For those who may not wish to avail themselves of this opportunity, Cambridge offers many other attractions, including Guided Walks, City Tours or a service in King’s College Chapel. Further information on these activities and on B&Bs can be obtained on 0871 226 8006 or at

Long Road Sixth Form College

Long Rd
United Kingdom

Teacher, Organizer

On its website, the EDC lists opportunities to learn and to enjoy historical dancing throughout the UK. You can also find there information on all periods of... read more


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