Lumieres Event at Udine

In april 2003 my wife, my daughter and i participated in the Lumières Meeting at Udine/Northern Italy. It was the second Lumières Event and the first one, that i went to.

I was very curious to meet all the people, who i only new from their posting in the Yahoo mailing list. And indeed, it was a very enjoyable event. Around 40 people came to Udine, mainly from Italy, France and germany. All were well equipped and had adorable costumes.

Just a funny note aside: A couple a days later we went to visit Venice. As we were crossing one bridge, a man who was carrying a pushcart and who obviously was working as a transporter, addressed us. He was wondering, if we would recognize him. We were amazed, but then he took a bunch of photos out of his pocket and told us that he just got them from the photo shop. Et voilà: he showed us the photos and we recognized him as one of the participants! We did not recognize him with every day's clothes and without his wig!

Before the event i bought a new Canon Ixus camera, that was able to record video clips at a reasonable quality.

Last weekend, i created a small video film from that material.

Further information