Announcing courses "on offer"

Jane Gingell has sent me this very interesting suggestion to improve the calendar. Definitely it will be very useful for many dance teachers and dancers. Please read her mail and add your ideas and comments....

[Jane writes...] I was just wondering about the possibility of an extra category in your website content. I know we can publicise an event, but it might also be good to be able to publicise a course "on offer".

I know we teachers can talk about what we offer, in a general way, on our own entries; but I, for one, would also like to be able to advertise courses "in potentio" - to be able to say, for example, "I have a course ready on Purcell opera dances in the grotesque style - if you would like me to come to your group and teach a weekend, please contact me". Like this we could give quite specific details of courses on offer.

The point is that we don't teach the same thing all the time and, speaking for myself, I like to offer some courses according to which composers are currently in an anniversary year; so, for example, this year I am preparing several different courses on dances and drama from Campra. I think this kind of information would be useful, both for teachers and students.

Maybe I'm missing some category here that you already have; but I think a really specific category for courses "on offer", particularly those of current interest, would be helpful.


ducdebreme's picture

This is an excellent idea. And You are right, there is no appropriate category yet.
I think, it won't be difficult to set it up.

Probably the course information should be pretty much like the actual event form at - except for the date. And I think, we only need the teacher, not an additional contact. Do you agree?
May be we should give the possibility to add freetext keywords like "Campra", "Purcell" etc .. ?

The most important question is how to structure the information in order to give people access to it...
Probably we shall we organize it in a directory ...

  • by country
  • by teacher
  • by keywords ?
  • by period
  • by level ?
  • ... any other idea?

I think, it might be nice to add a subscription option it. This gives people the possibiliy to subscribe to a course and to receive information about, when it is scheduled to happen.

And then the questions... Where can we link it? And how can we name it? Do you have an idea?

I hope I did not bother you with the many questions ... I just think, your input will be very precious.

Liebe Grüsse

Jane Gingell's picture

Thanks for the mail - here are some thoughts:

I think the new section’s most common use would be for topical (aktuell) courses; it might even be good to have a categorisation by year (basically the current year and the following year).

e.g a category for 2009 (where people might advertise courses with Purcell or Handel connections, or anything else relevant to that year) and a category for 2010 (which might include Campra courses etc.)

I think the “country “ aspect is not really relevant. We all travel, and I think teachers would hope to do such courses in more than one country; naming a country would actually limit the possibilities, since the course is currently in the air, and might come down in any country. For instance, I hardly ever teach in England, so it wouldn't do to label a course of mine as about to happen in England simply because I'm English.

So I think the keyword/topic is the most important definition.
Then the teacher.
Then Period and level.

A “waiting list” of interested students is a good idea

What to call it? “Courses on offer”, perhaps?
It could then be subdivided into topical courses, and general courses.

What do you think??
Best, Jane