Italian Dance

Au programme : the game of the Hunt of Love--la Caccia d’Amore, and the virtuosic dances from Santucci’s Mastro da ballo : « Pavaniglia », « Galleria d’amore », « Allegrezza d’amore », variations de la Gagliarda.

Barbara is a dance historian specialized in 15th-17th century Italian dance. She is interested in going beyond the of "court dance« "the first ballet » and in placing early dance inits socio-economic and political contexts.

In her teaching of Italian dance she will put the accent on style, music and interpretation.
Sat 17h30-21h00, Sun 15h30-19h00, Monday and Tuesday 14h30-18h00
tarif : 120€**

Studio / L'Eclat des Muses

6 bis rue Hypolithe Maindron
75014 Paris


tel./fax ++39 06 687 3131
Barbara Sparti is a dance historian specialized in 15th-17th century Italian dance. She founded and directed the company Gruppo di Danza Rinascimentale (1975 -... read more


tel/fax: +33 01 45 40 30 10
204 avenue du Maine Cie Christine BAYLE
75014 Paris