Christmas Grand Ball

Grand Ball

19th century social dance
Waltz, quadrille, contredance, mazurka, polka, marches, galop

In the enchanting Villa di Corliano (, one of the most prestigious Renaissance villas in Tuscany, a fifteenth century decorated with graffiti typical of Florentine Mannerist Art and with frescoes, the association 'Societa' di Danza' organizes the

Christmas Grand Ball

in 19th century dress with 19th century social dance of European tradition.
The dance program includes quadrilles, figured waltzes, mazurka, french polka,
various marches, cotillons and galop.
Participation by invitation.

To participate or receive further information please contact:

Societa' di Danza - Circolo Pisano

Pisa, Villa di Corliano, S. Giuliano

S. S. Abetone, 50
56010 San Giuliano Terme (PI)


Cultural society directed by Fabio Mòllica Nineteenth Century Dance School "Società di Danza" is a Federation of 'Circoli', groups and individuals that agree... read more
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza promotes historical research on Nineteenth Century and Historical dances, according to the aims of the Società di... read more


+39 360233650
Via S. Michele degli Scalzi 96 Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
56127 Pisa