Dear friends of the Spanish baroque dance
From 2. of June to 5th of June 2011 Ana Yepes will give a dance workshop in Berlin.
It is again a programin in which the French and Spanish style are to be compared.
First, the "Sarabande pour une femme" by Pecour, and as a repetition of the "Loure" that Ana has already studied with us. They are "easy" dances to as much as possible to work in style and provide them with the „ Spanish.arms"
Second, the emphasis is on "Pabana" and of course repetition of "Folias" and "Zapateados" in the Spanish part.
The hours
June 2. From 11.00 to 14.00 and 15.00 to 18.00 clock
June 3rd : 12.00 to 15.00 and 15.30 to 18.30 clock
June 4th 12.00 to 15.00 and 15.30 to 18.30 clock
Jube 5th 10.00 to 12.00 and 13.00-15.00 clock
The price for this workshop is € 200.00, prefer cash, but with a secure promise.
The course takes place in the ballet studio "Phynix tanzt" held
Address: Hasenheide 54 – "Höfe am Südstern"
10967 Berlin
2. / 3. Backyard - 3 Floor
my contact:
Martin Prescha
Reuterstr. 36
12047 Berlin
Landline: 0049 (0) 30 54715665
Mobile: 0049 (0) 171-272 5072