Grand Ball Risorgimentale

Gran Ballo Risorgimentale
Naval Academy

The Società di Danza - Circolo Livornese for the celebrations of 150 years of United Italy and for the celebration of the Moti Livornesi Risorgimentali,
in collaboration with C'omitato Livornese per la promozione dei valori risorgimentali'
municipality of Livorno and Provincia of Livorno , and the Naval Academy
organized the Gran Ballo Risorgimentale.
A 19th century ball with quadrilles, controdances, waltzes, mazurka, marsch and galop on the music by Giuseppe Verdi and Strauss.
A tribute to the history and the ideas funding the United Italy.




Cultural society directed by Fabio Mòllica Nineteenth Century Dance School "Società di Danza" is a Federation of 'Circoli', groups and individuals that agree... read more