ITALIAN DANCE OF THE LATE 16th AND EARLY 17th CENTURIES (9-13) Barbara Sparti Intermediate-advanced and advanced levels
will include balletti of Caroso, Lupi, Negri and Santucci, the Canario, Ballo finale from Carallieri's Rappresentazione di Anima e di Corpo (1600)
Special attention will be given to step technique (as described in particular treatises), style and interpretation (the affects of different dances and dance types within a balletto), and musical questions
Reconstruction Barbara Sparti
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm intermediate-adavanced and advanced levels only
Will include Ballo from the final intermedio of the Pellegrina: Cavalieri’s 1587 “O che nuovo miracolo”
______ Lute accompaniment for main courses (9-13)—Uwe GrosserITALIAN DANCE OF THE LATE 16th AND EARLY 17th CENTURIES (9-13) Lieven Baert beginners and elementary levels
Introduction to the dances of Italy, France, Spain and England of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Technique, repertory of balletti and galliard variations of Fabritio Caroso, Cesare Negri and Ercole Santucci
Playford country dances and Measures of the Inns of Court (Ms.)
Spanish dances from Jacque
Afternoon Course (17-18:30)—Lieven Baert
Introduction to nineteenth-century dances: Waltz, Polka, Quadriglia, contradances, Mazurka….
All levels
French dance of the 17th and 18th centuries (Baroque dance) 9-13
intermediate and advanced level
Cecilia Gracio Moura
The choice of dances will depend on the technical level of the participants. Scores will be sent upon registration.
La musette de Callirhoé, Pécour; Le Branle allemand, Pècour; Sarabande de Mr. Feuillet, Gigue de M. Feuillet
5-6:30 p.m.
French dance of the 17th and 18th centuries (Baroque dance)
Cecilia Gracio Moura
open to students of the morning class, to musicians and to those with experience in baroque dance
Study of technique and style through the steps, arm movements and choreographic sequences of the dances that form the French suite
La Bacchante, Pécour;; La Bretagne, Pécour; Forlane pour deux femmes du Ballet des Fragments de M. Lully, chorégraphiée par Pécour
For more details, inscription, complete programme of courses, see http://www.fima-online.org/
or write to Barbara Sparti at bsparti@mcllink.it