Downton Avenue

Historic ball 1913

Inspired by the popular British costume drama 'Downton Abbey'

Ladies & Gentlemen,

The Earl of Grantham has announced that the gentlemen's club St. Joseph circle will organise a grand party to celebrate the society’s 30th anniversary. In the name of Lord Grantham, honorary member and founder of this club, we would like to invite you to the jubilee festivities.

Although membership is exclusively for gentlemen, Lord Grantham holds the opinion that this jubilee ball will not be complete without the presence of ladies. By way of exception the St. Joseph Circle has decided that the female members of ladies’ club Stichting Reverénce will be granted admission to this soiree.

Stichting Revérence

Date: April 27th 2013
Location: Theatersalon De Avenue, Waterstraat 5, 4811 WZ Breda, The Netherlands
Time: 20.00 – 24.00h
Tickets: €32,50 p.p
For more information and tickets visit our website

De Avenue

Waterstraat 5
4811 WZ Breda


Stichting Revérence is a society which tries to bring the past to life by organising balls and other historic events. For more information about our next... read more
English Lieven Baert began his career in 1981 in Ghent, Belgium, and has studied with Elizabeth Aldrich, Ingrid Brainard, Angene Feves, Andrea Francalanci,... read more


Sallandstraat 6-2,
1079 PN Amsterdam
52° 20' 24.0432" N, 4° 53' 46.6188" E