The Chilham Chase Jane Austen Ball

“The prospect of the Netherfield Ball was extremely agreeable to every female of the family. Mrs Bennet chose to consider it as given in compliment to her eldest daughter…Jane pictured to herself a happy evening… Elizabeth thought with pleasure of dancing a great deal…the happiness anticipated by Catherine and Lydia, depended less on any single event…a ball was at any rate a ball. And even Mary could assure her family that she had no disinclination for it...If there had not been a Netherfield Ball to prepare for and talk of, the younger Miss Bennets would have been in a pitiable state...” Pride and Prejudice.

Jane Austen was herself a regular visitor at Chilham Castle, when one of her brothers lived at Godmersham, so it seems fitting to hold a glittering Jane Austen Ball at the castle on the evening of Saturday May 18th 2013. In a tradition of former times, several kind local families from in and around the village will each host a dinner party for those attending the ball and from 8.30pm onwards guests will arrive at the castle for the ball itself. In the grand hall, the caller, Diana Campbell, will instruct guests in the performance of cotillions, quadrilles and country dances typical of Jane Austen’s day to the accompaniment of regency musicians 'Green Ginger.'


There will also be plenty of opportunity for good conversation in the library and morning room for those with no palate for dancing.

Dress will be in the style of Jane Austen or black/white tie and ball gowns.

Lizzie Green can be contacted (below) should you want any advice on the period for the costume of the ball, information on where to source costumes or track down something for you, or even custom make you a costume for the event:


m: 07772172012

Refreshments will include a delicious homecooked supper at a "host family" prior to the ball and other refreshments will be available throughout the evening with punch on demand and a bar for those who have no liking for punch. A variety of other Jane Austen touches will add charm and delight to the evening’s entertainment.

More information and booking

Chilham Castle Chilham

CT4 8DB Canterbury, Kent
United Kingdom


+44 1227 733100


+44 1227 733100
CT4 8DB Canterbury, Kent
United Kingdom