Gran Ballo delle Cinque Giornate


Gran Ballo Risorgimentale - 19th Century Grand Ball
Palazzo Cusani - Circolo Ufficali

Società di Danza

To celebrate the 'Cinque Giornate di Milano' (the Five Days in Milano), one of the major episodes in the history of Italian Risorgimento of the nineteenth century in 1848.
in collaboration with the 'Circolo di Presidio dell'Esercito', in the marvellous Palazzo Cusani.

Waltz, quadrille, contredances, mazurka, polka, galop.

For further information contact

Societa' di Danza - Circolo Milanese

Milano, Palazzo Cusani

Via Brera 15


Cultural society directed by Fabio Mòllica Nineteenth Century Dance School "Società di Danza" is a Federation of 'Circoli', groups and individuals that agree... read more