BEMF Orchestra concert featuring BEMF Dance Ensemble

The Birth of the Orchestra: The Extravagant and Sonorous Music of Paris and Rome, ca. 1700
Thursday, June 13, 2013 at 8pm

BEMF Orchestra
Robert Mealy, director
Dancers: Caroline Copeland, Carlos Fittante, Mickaël Bouffard, Karin Modigh

New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall

The orchestra was created in two very different places at exactly the same time: in Rome, where the virtuoso Corelli led brilliant performances around town, and in Paris, where Lully was creating his own disciplined dance-band to play for the King’s festivities. This program celebrates the spectacular orchestral inventions of these composers and their contemporaries, in a program featuring special guest appearances by solo dancers from the BEMF Dance Ensemble.


Boston Early Music Festival

United States
