Time-trip this summer through 300 years of dance! 10 week — Dancing with the Masters — course

You may not recognise these men, but they are responsible for some of the most influential books on dance ever written. You’ll have a rare chance to hold originals of these books and enjoy dances from them (and from many other books and manuscripts that survive from between 1450 and 1760) in a series of 10 Saturday mornings classes running from 9:30am to 12:15 from Sat. 23 November to Sat. 8 February (skipping only the Saturday of the Christmas Carol Ball and the Saturday between Christmas & New Year). The first 5 workshops will focus on Renaissance sources & developments and lead up to a Twelfth Night Revel and the next 5 on Baroque era sources & developments and lead up to a St.Valentine’s Ball. The venue is the Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy studio in Yarralumla, with its garden in full flower and a refreshment table ready from 9am. Expert tuition & warm hospitality offered by John & Aylwen Gardiner-Garden. Participants are welcome to stay on for lunch. Who mentioned below is pictured above?
The Renaissance half of the course starts 23 November—i.e. the week after the Mad Hatter’s Ball (see over):
1. Late 15th cent. Italian sources: Domencio da Piacenza, and his students Guglielmo Ebreo (Giovanni Ambrosio) and Antonio Cornazano (looking also at Nuremberg ms and early 16th century Il Papa ms)
2. Late 15th to late 16th French & English sources: the Brussels ms, Toulouze (publ)., Moderne (publ.), Antonius Arena, Salsbury ms, Gresley ms, Coplande (publ.) and Thoinot Arbeau
3. Late 16th century Italian sources: Chigi ms and Fabritio Caroso
Skip Saturday of Christmas Carol Ball (see over)
4. Early 17th century Italian sources: Cesare Negri, Livio Luppi and Ercole Santucci
Skip Saturday between Christmas-New Year
5. Early-mid 17th century English sources: Inns of Court ms, Patricke/Lovelace ms, and John Playford (pub.)
Enjoy dances from the above five weeks at a Twelfth Night Revel on Sunday 5 January.
The Baroque half of the course starts on Saturday 11th January
6. 17th cent. French & Spanish sources: François de Lauze, Esquivel Navarro, Juan Antonio Jaque and André Lorin
7. Late 17th century English sources: Henry Playford (publ.), Sloane ms and Thomas Bray.
8. Early 18th century French sources: Feuillet (publ. and notator), Loius Pecour, Dezais (publ.), Pierre Rameau, Durlach ms
9. Early 18th century English sources: Nathaniel Kynaston, Monsieur Isaacs, John Essex, Young (publ.),Walsh (publ.) and Neal (publ.), Kellem Thomlinson and Pemberton (notator)
10. Mid 18th century Spanish, German, Dutch, French & English sources: Taubert, Ferriol, Pablo Minguet é Irol, Adam Wolfgang Winterschmid, G. Willsim, De la Cuisse (publ.), Carl Christoph Lange, Giovanni-Andrea Gallini
Enjoy dances from the above five weeks at a St Valentine’s Ball on the Saturday 15 February (see over).
Cost is $120 and pre-booking essential. For more information and bookings ph. 62811098 or 0409 817623.