The Dance Of The Deadly Sins

Carmona, Seville, Spain Dance of the Deadly Sins dance workshops with public performances in association with The University Pablo de Olavide.

The course aims to explore the relationships between dance, theatre and music, while considering the historical background in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, in order to reconstruct musical themes, dramatic scenarios, and historical choreographies for contemporary performance practice.  Each section will select an appropriate historical dance form from the courts of Europe. This material will be developed further with a drama approach based on the teachings of Rudolf Laban (1879-­ 1958). Laban created a method of training for actors and dancers that consisted of a series of exercises, improvisations, and analysis of space and the body, based on the study of human psychology and movement. The course will also be an incorporation of musical composition and contemporary choreography and will culminate with a site-specific public performance in the town of Carmona.

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Performer, Teacher

was founded by Peggy Dixon as a performance company in 1966. Under the artistic leadership of Darren Royston, the company continues its legacy of research,... read more
