SERENADES ROYALES au Château de Versailles

Just before the Night Fountains Shows, a 40 minutes stroll around the King’s Grand Apartments with the Dance Company L’Éventail and the Amarillis Ensemble.

As at Court in the 17th century, eccentric or grand scenes which the walls of Versailles witnessed will be performed for the public: dressing ceremony, Court ball rituals, farcical uproar of Moliere’s doctors, reverence of religious music, pastoral lightness of the bagpipes. The artists of the Dance Company L’Eventail and the Amarillis Ensemble will summon characters that will come alive before our eyes…

L’Eventail Dance Company

Directed since 1985 by Marie-Geneviève Massé, the Dance Company L’Eventail has been in residence in Sablé-sur-Sarthe since 2001. It travels all around the world and is acknowledged as the essential reference in baroque dance and has developed two complementary approaches linking memory and innovation: the first in the style of the 17th and 18th century and the other with the conception of original shows on contemporary themes and concepts.


21 June -- 28 June -- 5 July -- 12 July -- 19 July -- 26 July -- 2 August -- 9 August -- 16 August -- 30 August -- 6 September -- 13 September

18h30 – 18h50 – 19h10 – 19h30 – 19H50

Hercules Salon, Upper vestibule of the Chapelle, Hall of Mirrors, Antechamber of the Grand Couvert

More information and booking

Flyer Sérénades Royales au Château de Versailles

Château de Versailles



Personnalité incontournable du monde de la danse baroque, Marie-Geneviève Massé apporte un regard original sur le répertoire chorégraphique baroque : ses... read more


32, rue Gambetta
72300 Sablé-sur-Sarthe