For a long time I didn’t consider myself as a Jane Austen fan – a Janeite as I learned the term a few months ago. Of course I knew the books, or at least I heard about them. But – the moment of truth – I was about 16 when I first saw (saw, not read) the Sense and Sensibility. The Emma Thompson/Kate Winslet movie. And I loved it. But still, the grat recognition, the falling in love was still missing. I mean yes, Willoughby was handsome and I admire Alan Rickman, but come on... Neither of them is Darcy, am I right?
So I needed a few more years when The Day came... My sister showed me the Pride and Prejucide. THE Pride and Prejudice. The BBC one. With Colin. And Jennifer Ehle. And I was in love. Not just with Darcy, but with the whole... everything.
So when we arranged our Jane Austen Ball (the first of its kind in Hungary) in the Prónay Castle, I was thrilled and had a really great evening! Although I didn’t have a chance to dance (I photographed the event) but I decided next year I’m going to dance as well no matter what. So, are you up for a dance with me? :)