Dances for Jane Austen

A day course on Regency dance taught by Anne Daye. Sunday 12th October 2014, 10 am – 5 pm at St Patrick's Catholic Club, Trinity Street, Huddersfield, HD1 4DA. Cost £15 per person (£14 DHDS members).

The dances taught on this day course will be mainly from Anne’s book of Regency dances and will include the cotillion, the polonaise, and contemporary country dances (i.e. not Playford ). Anne’s book , entitled ‘Dances for Jane Austen’, and the music CD which accompanies it, are published by, and available from, the Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society ( ) No previous experience of Regency dance is needed for this day course. Please bring flat, soft-soled dance shoes. The day will begin with coffee from 10.00am and dancing at 10.30am. Tea and coffee will be provided throughout the day. Please bring a packed lunch, or use the local shops or cafés. On the next page is a map of the town centre showing the location of the venue (HD1 4DA) and car parking areas.

Download leaflet and booking slip and location map


United Kingdom


01234 214103
Anne Daye teaches and publishes widely on 16th - 19th century dance, with an extensive experience of leading summer schools and workshops. She is Lecturer in... read more


121 Queensway
BR4 9DT West Wickham
United Kingdom