Grand Waterloo Ball

You are cordially invited to the Grand Waterloo Ball to celebrate the victory at the Battle of Waterloo and the dawn of a new era of Peace in Europe.

Time: 7pm – 11pm.   Access for changing at 6.30pm.  Carriages 11.30pm.

Venue: Royal College of Surgeons, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE

Dance: Regency dancing including Quadrilles and ball dances of the period

Musicians: Green Ginger

Dance Mistresses: Dian Campbell, Libby Curzon

Dress code: Period 1815, Officer Mess Dress

Includes welcome drink and a light buffet supper
Drinks bar requiring your guineas

In support of Help for Heroes


Tickets £60
Lark rise price if paid by 31st January £55



for an application form


Points to note: Free parking in the square after 6.30pm,
a grand London square for photo opportunities,
other Waterloo 200 events occurring in London that same weekend - see events on

Royal College of Surgeons of England

Lincoln´s Inn Fields
United Kingdom