An Elizabethan Revel

A unique event for historical dancers to celebrate 50 years of (D)HDS

Founded as a retirement home for Elizabeth's military men by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, the Mediaeval Great Hall and the Guildhall of this exceptional historic building provide the perfect venue for an authentic Elizabethan experience.

Dancing led by Anne Daye Music led by Tamsin Lewis and Passamezzo

Tickets £60


12.45 Arrivals

13.00 Afternoon session: reminder/rehearsal of dances, led by Anne Daye. The dance programme and information will be sent to you in advance.

15.00-­17.00 Free time and changing in the Unitarian Chapel, almost opposite Lord Leycester's Hospital. NB You are requested to wear Elizabethan/Tudor costume. Return, and deposit your possessions in the room above the Guildhall at Lord Leycester's Hospital. Refreshments available at The Brethren's Kitchen (LLH) or locally.

17.00 Take your places in the Great Hall.

17.15 Formal supper of two seated courses with wine. Dishes will be typical of the period, including pottage, pies, flans, cheese, fish and roasted meats (vegetarian options available), bread and salad. NB Please bring your own drinking vessel, which you will retain for the whole event.

18.45 Move to the Guildhall for the banquet: cream and fruit desserts as well as banquet delicacies.

19.30 Return to the Great Hall for the dancing, which will include sociable and familiar dances from England and France, but also a selection of improvised dances (canaries, passomezzi) and Italian balletti for couples and groups. During the evening, water and cordials will be available for you to help yourselves.

23.00 Event ends. Changing in the Guildhall.


Please note that there is no parking at Lord Leycester's Hospital ­ it may be best to park at your accommodation if possible. The only parking which guarantees access for the entire event is St Nicholas Park car park (CV34 4QY). The Racecourse, St Mary's Area 2 (CV34 6JP) may also be available;­ check nearer the time as it is closed on race days.

You are advised to book your accommodation early as hotels and guesthouses in Warwick get booked up quickly.

For more information, please contact Helen: email or phone 01327 340494.


Please download the booking form


Lord Leycester's Hospital

High Street
CV34 4BH Warwick
United Kingdom


01234 214103
Anne Daye teaches and publishes widely on 16th - 19th century dance, with an extensive experience of leading summer schools and workshops. She is Lecturer in... read more
Formerly known as Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society (DHDS) UK-based organisation dedicated to Early Dance. It holds classes and summer schools, producing... read more


121 Queensway
BR4 9DT West Wickham
United Kingdom
51° 21' 57.3984" N, 0° 0' 21.3696" E