5th Historical Dance Symposium "The Ball: Pleasure - Power - Politics, 1600 - 1900

The Ball
Pleasure - Power - Politics
1600 - 1900


The ball, a universal social phenomenon, whether at princely courts, civic festivities or private celebrations, has many new facets across the centuries.

Dedicated to the pleasures of dance in multi­farious forms and styles, the ball is also an arena for displays of princely power, staged rituals, carefully regulated forms of social contact, and advantageous self-representation. Not least, the ballrooms of Europe reflect the continent’s po­litical and societal developments, their evolutions and revolutions.

Our journey through three centuries of dance history not only leads us to the ballrooms of Vienna, Dresden and Moscow, but also illus­trates the transfer of dance culture across the whole of Europe. We trace the lives of dancing masters who once drew crowds to the ball­rooms and explore the various manifestations of balls on stage.

In addition to lectures, the symposium includes workshops and dance evenings, in which the most popular ball dances, such as minuet, alle­mande, contredanse and quadrille, evoke the atmosphere and sensibility of these epochs.

Conference languages are English and German. This time with simultaneous translation into English and German!

RESEARCH DANCE - DANCE RESEARCH: Our central goal is to bring together dancers and researchers and thus enable intensive inter­action between the latest research and current dance practice.

  • A series of lectures presents the present status of dance research.
  • Workshops give an opportunity to try out new dance styles and reconstructions.
  • Short performances demonstrate current artistic interpreta­tions.
  • A bookshop offers a wide range of literature and music relating to dance.
  • Social dance evenings with live music help make a variety of new contacts.
  • A celebratory ball with costumes of the pe­riod represents the culmination of the con­ference.
  • Sharing leisure and programme together in the castle enables a time of especially inten­sive contact.

Lectures: Giles Bennett - Hillary Burlock - Eugenia Eremina-Solenikova - Matilda Ertz - Maria Cristina Esposito  - Dmitry Filimonov - Carola Finkel - Rebecca Harris-Warrick - Gerrit Berenike Heiter - Birte Hoffmann-Cabenda - Michaela Mettel - Nona Monahin - Angela Rannow - Daria Sundukova - Eva Zöllner

Research Posters: Maria Derkach - Maria Cristina Esposito - Dmitry Filimonov - Susan de Guardiola - Alan Jones - Michaela Mettel - Ekaterina Mikhailova-Smolniakova - Daniele Pascale Guidotti Magnani - Bill Tuck - Davide Vecchi

Workshops: Anne Daye - Irène Feste - Dmitry Filimonov - Susan de Guardiola - Hubert Hazebroucq - Rostislav Kondratenko - Guillaume Jablonka

Dance evenings: Anne Daye - Alan Jones - Barbara Menard-Pugliese - Antonia Pugliese

Short performances: Chorea Basilea (dir. Mojca Gal) - Cie Fantaisies Baroques (dir. Irène Feste, Pierre-François Dollé) - LA DANZA MÜNCHEN (dir. Jadwiga Nowaczek)

Scientific committee: Dr. Irene Brandenburg (Salzburg, Österreich), Dr. Anne Daye (London, Großbritannien), Prof. em. Carol G. Marsh (Washington, USA), Prof. em. Marie Thérèse Mourey (Paris, Frankreich), Markus Lehner (Herrsching, Deutschland)

Organisation: Markus Lehner, Uwe Schlottermüller

For extensive information on the conference, see: www.historical-dance-symposium.org

Burg Rothenfels

97851 Rothenfels

Teacher, Organizer

Markus Lehner ist aktuell Vorsitzender des gemeinnützigen Vereins Dance & History e.V. read more read more
Germanistin, Habilitation über Tanzkultur des Barock in Deutschland read more read more
Musikwissenschaftlerin, Hrsg. Von „Musical Theatre at the Court of Louis XIV“ read more read more
01234 214103
Anne Daye teaches and publishes widely on 16th - 19th century dance, with an extensive experience of leading summer schools and workshops. She is Lecturer in... read more
(++49) 0761-72990
Website of Uwe Schlottermüller's edition. Information about his dancing groups such as "piedi negri" and "Historische Tanzgruppe Meersburg". Musiker, Hrsg. „... read more


Mühlfelder Str. 18b
82211 Herrsching
47° 59' 49.344" N, 11° 10' 29.892" E