400 Jahre Praetorius - Wochenendworkshop


- 6 Branles zum Ballbeginn (Branle simple, Branle gay, Branle de Poitou, Branle double de Poitou, Branle double de Montirandé, Gavotte)

- La Gillotte (Reigen für 4 Paare)

- La Bourrée (5 Strophen)

- 4 Lothringer Branles

- Spagnoletta nuova da farsi in tre (Caroso 1581)

- Courante (Arbeau 1589)

- Spanische Pavane (Arbeau 1589)

- Grimstock (Playford 1651)

Buchen: https://www.vhszh.ch/.../400-jahre-praetorius/21S-0466-04/

Kuturpark, Volkshochschule Zürich

Pfingstweidstrasse 16
8005 Zürich


(++41) 079 455 37 42
Swiss dancing group dedicated to historical dance (mainly baroque). Is doing performances, organizing balls and courses. Very nice website. read more read more
+41 (0)79 455 3742


+41 (0)79 455 3742
Tellstrasse 31
8004 Zürich
47° 22' 45.1092" N, 8° 31' 44.958" E