Dance in the Spanish Golden Age (Baroque dance course)

The Course will take place over the weekend of 1st and 2nd October 2022.  Saturday 1st : An introduction to Folía and its variations, which has its own style and step vocabulary, catering also for those with less experience of the period. Sunday 2nd : Aiming at more experienced dancers, focus will be on Folies d’Espagne, as performed in the French Court. Dancers will explore ways to accentuate the Spanish quality embedded in the choreography, using Folía arm movements from the previous day. There will also be a chance to try out dancing with castanets.

Each day the course will run from 1030 (arrival from 1000) until 1700. There will be a one hour lunch break - please bring a packed lunch or enjoy one of the many cafes in the vicinity. Tea and coffee will be provided.

The Course will be led by Ana Yepes, an exceptional dancer and powerhouse of enthusiasm. Ana will bring her expertise gleaned from many years of deciphering Spanish manuscripts that are not available to the general public.

Bookings can be made for the whole weekend £81 (HDS Members) £90 (Non-members)  or Saturday only/ Sunday only £45 (HDS members) £50 (Non-members) Please state whether Saturday or Sunday when booking. Online bookings:

Payment can be made online or by cheque ( The Historical Dance Society) and sent to:  Gill Plant, 20 West Street, Newcastle, Staffs, ST5 1BH

Springs Dance Studio, Bedford College

Cauldwell Street
MK42 9AH Bedford
United Kingdom


+33 01 42 49 08 42
Français Née en Espagne, Ana Yepes vit à Paris. Diplômée du Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Madrid, elle suit des cours d’analyse et d’harmonie avec... read more
Formerly known as Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society (DHDS) UK-based organisation dedicated to Early Dance. It holds classes and summer schools, producing... read more