“Ruota di Fortuna”: Early Dance Workshop with Claudia Celi in Rome

An intensive Cinquecento dance weekend taught by Claudia Celi

The Wheel of Fortune, that among the Arcanes evokes changes in the cycle of life, was an image dear to the culture and reflects itself on the music and the dance of the period. It will be the inspiration for a weekend workshop featuring the dances of the Cinquecento reconstructed according to the treatises by dance masters.

The May 17-18 weekend is articulated in two independent modules: it’s possibile to attend both or only one of them. Both modules are open to students of any level. Module A – Saturday May 17: 15,00-17,00 – 17,30-19,30 Module B – Sunday May 18: 10,30-12,30 – 14,00-16,00   Location: Centro Samila in motus – via Costantino Beltrami 25 – Roma (close to Metro B Piramide subway station)   Reduced “early bird” fees with payment up to May 10, 2025 Info about cost and registration available at this link:


Centro Samila in motus

via Costantino Beltrami 25


  Claudia Celi specialized in Early Dance with Barbara Sparti, Francine Lancelot, Shirley Wynne, Angene Feves, Cecilia Grácio Moura. She teaches Dance History... read more
(+39) 328-3645555
Dance company legally incorporated in 1992. Promotes dance performance from Renaissance to 19th century. Organizes the early dance & music summer workshop... read more


(+39) 328-3645555
via Gradoli, 56
00189 Roma
41° 58' 2.3592" N, 12° 26' 1.536" E