Dance and Heritage: Creation, Re-creation and Recreation

Dance and Heritage: Creation, Re-creation and Recreation
Sat 20th & Sun 21st March 2010 St Albans

Papers, workshops and short performances are invited on topics connected with this theme.
Some suggested topics:

The influence of heritage on dance creation through the centuries, e.g. the humanist, chivalric or classical influences on Renaissance choreographies; classical mythology and masques and ballets de cour; classical influences on 18th century dance creations; the influence of the 18th century on late 19th/early 20th century dance school choreographers...

  • The influence of a notional, ‘imagined’ heritage on actual dance creation – an imagined celestial harmony – an imagined court – an imagined village
  • Folk Dance: Cecil Sharp (Re-creation of an imagined folk heritage) vs Mary Neal (recreation)
  • Isadora Duncan and the Greek Muses
  • Issues of the authenticity of re-creations
  • Presenting history through dance (without using the choreography of the past)
  • Presenting history through dance (using dance of the past to represent that heritage)
  • Is there a place for new choreographies using historical dance styles?
  • Can authentic re-creations attract modern audiences?
  • Dance heritage and education – bringing history alive

WORKSHOPS are welcome, for example, a comparison of different styles of re-creation

SHORT PERFORMANCES are also welcome. These might include ‘authentic’ adaptations of historical dance for a modern recreational context; they should include a short introductory talk or commentary.

Abstracts should be limited to a single sheet of A4 paper.
Papers should be limited to 25 minutes, workshops to 55 minutes, performances are negotiable.

The conference proceedings will be published. The text may be expanded for publication.

Abstracts should be emailed to Barbara Segal at by
21st September 2009. Please phone Barbara on 020 7700 4293 if you do not have email.
You will be informed within the month whether your contribution has been accepted.

Details of the programme and a booking form will be issued in November 2009.
For any further information, please contact Barbara Segal – details above.
For information on the Early Dance Circle, please visit