
Collegium Marianum is a music and dance ensemble focussing on the authentic interpretation of pre-romantic music and the reconstruction of baroque choreographies.

Collegium Marianum

Melantrichova 971/19
110 00 Praha
Czech Republic

This society was founded in 1981 and organises day courses led by experienced and qualified tutors. Background information in music, costume and history are provided as well as technique and dances.

Oxford Historical Dance Society

01 865 452 016
United Kingdom

Anne Daye teaches and publishes widely on 16th - 19th century dance, with an extensive experience of leading summer schools and workshops. She is Lecturer in Dance History at Laban and also visiting teacher of historical dance at Trinity College of Music and RADA. Anne is Chairman of DHDS. Her doctoral thesis on the Jacobean masque drew upon research in dance documents, music, history, literature and design.

Anne Daye

01234 214103
96 Dover Crescent
MK41 8QH Bedford
United Kingdom

Diese Landesstiftung öffentlichen Rechts ist eine Weiterbildungs- und Forschungsstätte für musikalische Aufführungspraxis von europäischem Rang und internationaler Bedeutung.
Das Musikinstitut Michaelstein ist darüber hinaus einer der wichtigsten Konzertveranstalter im Südwesten Sachsen-Anhalts.

Stiftung Kloster Michaelstein

03944/ 90 30-0
Postfach 24
38881 Blankenburg