Workshops of Belle Dance

For all, sessions of barock dance consisted in 2 parts : all together, and then advanced level

  • WE : saturday : 16h-18h, all (and Belle Dance beginners) ; 16h-19h45, advanced level
  • sunday : 10h-11h30, all (and Belle dance beginners) ; 10h-13h, advanced

All dates: WE 8-9 november, 20-21-22-23 december, 16-17-18-19 februar, WE 14-15 march, WE 6-7 june

Basic steps and arms codes for all, to realize then various Bawl sequences movements (pas de gavotte, de menuet, de bourrée, chassés, balancés, etc,) and patterns and study of a choreography.

Information et registration : TEL : 01 45 40 30 10

We will send you the choreography as soon as your admission.

Gymnase Buffault

26 rue Buffault
79005 Paris



+33 (0)1 45 40 30 10
204 avenue du Maine
75014 Paris