
Step back in time away from tv, radio and mobile phones to an early 19th Century Australian Caves House. Join in daily morning dance workshop, explore caves, rest or join in costume workshops in the afternoon, and attend costume balls in the evening after dinner. All music for the workshops and balls is provided by professional musicians. This costumed event is open to only 40 participants and tickets are on sale already.

Yarrangabilly Caves House, Mt Koziusko, NSW, Australia

87 Schlich Street
2600 Yarralumla


(02) 62811098
Dr John Gardiner-Garden is a dance teacher, researcher, performer, leader, choreographer, organiser and musician (on hurdy-gurdy, border pipes and wooden flute... read more


(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street
ACT 2600 Yarralumla
(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street
ACT 2600 Yarralumla

Aylwen has 25 years experience in historic social dance, as a professional event organiser and arts administrator, tour director, dance performer and as a historical costumer. She has danced in Australia, the US & UK, is costume director for the Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy, has been director of Jane Austen Festival Australia for 6 years, teaches historical costuming classes and shares her antique costume collection whenever possible. She is happy to travel both interstate and overseas when requested to share her skills or organise an event.

Aylwen Gardiner-Garden

(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street
ACT 2600 Yarralumla

Step back in time and join Aylwen and John Gardiner-Garden of the Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy for a historical costume and dance tour of England this September. We have space for 15 guests to join us on tour around London and South-West England. The tour includes all accommodation & breakfast; entry to balls, museums, manor houses, palaces and exhibitions; 7-day travel card in London; entry to dance and costume workshops; private coach travel in Wiltshire; and more.


United Kingdom

Performer, Teacher

(02) 62811098
Aylwen has 25 years experience in historic social dance, as a professional event organiser and arts administrator, tour director, dance performer and as a... read more
(02) 62811098
Dr John Gardiner-Garden is a dance teacher, researcher, performer, leader, choreographer, organiser and musician (on hurdy-gurdy, border pipes and wooden flute... read more
(02) 62811098
Performing group dedicated to Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Regency, Victorian and Vintage Dance. Classes offered weekly at the Australian National University... read more

Grand Bal d'hiver de l'association Carnet de Bals
Historical Ball

Theme : 1866 - "La Vie Parisienne" (Offenbach)

Costume historique époque Second Empire de qualité
Historical Second French Empire costumes ( = civil war period)

Danses d'époque Second Empire - répertoire 1850-1880
Danses libres (polka, valse, mazurka,scottish, galop)
Danses chorégraphiées pour danseurs confirmés
Quadrilles (français, des lanciers, etc.)

Plus d'informations / more informations :

Château de Champlâtreux

rd 316
95270 Epinay-Champlâtreux


L'association Carnet de Bals a pour objet de faire revivre les fastes des grands bals du XIXe siècle, en particulier ceux des années 1814 à 1914. Membre du... read more


ASSOCIATION CARNET DE BALS 16, rue de la Procession
75015 PARIS

L'association Carnet de Bals a pour objet de faire revivre les fastes des grands bals du XIXe siècle, en particulier ceux des années 1814 à 1914.

Membre du Conseil International de la Danse, reconnu par l'UNESCO, Carnet de Bals reconstitue, perpétue, promeut et enseigne les danses des salons parisiens. Son objet principal est d'organiser et de faire revivre des bals, tels qu'ils auraient pu être donnés à l'époque.

Carnet de Bals

ASSOCIATION CARNET DE BALS 16, rue de la Procession
75015 PARIS

The Richmond Ball, set in the later Victorian era (1850-1900) is held annually in London on the first Saturday of December. This year the ball will be set in 1912 to commemorate the voyage of RMS Titanic in that year.

The Master of Ceremonies will be Ellis Rogers, with music by Green Ginger.

Tickets £30, available from Chris Rogers quadrille.ellisrogers@bigfoot.com

Light refreshments and beverages will be served during the interval and the price of these is included in the ticket. A bar will be available for the sale of drinks.

Country dances will be walked through and called.

York House

Richmond Road
TW1 3AA Twickenham
United Kingdom


Ellis and Chris Rogers run Quadrille Club, which meets on one Sunday a month in London to learn and enjoy dances of the 19th century. They also organise an... read more
01 689 600 768
Ellis Rogers, author of The Quadrille, and a well known 19th century dance specialist. read more read more


24 Laxey Road
BR6 6BL Orpington
United Kingdom

Ellis and Chris Rogers run Quadrille Club, which meets on one Sunday a month in London to learn and enjoy dances of the 19th century. They also organise an annual ball on the first Saturday of December; this is usually Victorian (c.1870) but in 2012 will commemorate the voyage of the Titanic in 1912.
Ellis is well-known internationally for his knowledge of social dance of the 19th century; he is a popular teacher and an MC for balls and assemblies of that century and of the late 18th century. He has written a book, 'The Quadrille', exploring all aspects of that dance form.

Quadrille Club

24 Laxey Road
BR6 6BL Orpington
United Kingdom

Verstand & Gefühl, Stolz & Vorurteil, Mansfieldpark, Emma
und die anderen Romane von Jane Austen stehen heute für die Zeit des Empire. Oft als Trivialliteratur belächelt und verkannt
sind ihre Werke herausragendende und fesselnde Zeugen einer Epoche.
Sie gehören mit zu den meistverfilmten Büchern
und lieferten den Stoff für viele weitere.
Immer stehen auch die Feste und Bälle im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens. Vor allem die Verfilmungen der BBC zeichnen sich dabei
durch die Verwendung originaler historische Tänze aus.


Matthäus-Herrmann-Platz 2


freier Dozent für Tanz & ÄsthetikDiplomdesigner -Tanzmeister, Choreograph, Eventmanager, historischer Tänzer von Mittelalter bis Empire/RegencySeit mehr... read more


Helmplatz 1 Humbser Palais
90762 Fürth

VI dance reconstruction conference

Saint-Petersburg Historical Dance Club
March, 8-10, 2013, at Vaganova academy, Zodchego Rossi, 2, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia

History & practice of social dance, its connections with scene dance is an interesting and important theme for dance researches. We'll discuss relationship between styles & dances of different countries & regions; variety of European dance cultures.

Some suggested topics:
- dance & its place in society, correlation of dance & social culture

Vaganova Ballet Academy

Zodchego Rossi 2