Photos of the Rothenfels Dance Symposium

From 21 May to May 25 May 2008 i participated at the Rothenfels Dance Symposium. The subject was: “From Pastoral to Revolution” - European Dance Culture in the 18th Century

Many people from all of the world met at the Burg Rothenfels near Frankfurt/Germany. As I already know a lot of them by e-mail, I was very curious to see them live. We enjoyed very nice and exciting days of discussions, workshops and of course of dance. Saturday night a historical ball was held ...

I have just published a selection of photos in the gallery.


Michael's picture

Wow, this seems to be a nice event. I can imagine that on such an event you can learn a lot of things about that time and I think that such a historical ball is a really nice thing. If this event is annually I should think about attending it next year.

ducdebreme's picture

Well, i think you have to wait another 4 years for the conference to be held again ... ;-) But if you want to go to a baroque ball, you can find a number of nice balls in the Calendar, e.g. here
Viele Grüsse Duc