Sarabande à deux

Dancée par Mr. Blonde et Mlle. Subligny à l'Opéra de Tancrede.


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Sarabande à deux / page 1

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Sarabande à deux / page 2

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Sarabande à deux / page 3

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Sarabande à deux / page 4

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Sarabande à deux / page 5


Shara's picture

Thank you for this - I am working on a mixed media piece for an upcoming show and had chosen "Sarabande" as the title, without being aware exactly of what a sarabande might be. The title suggested itself to me through some thrift-store sheet music used in the piece as collage material.

When I looked up the term, I found your page through a link on Wikipedia, and was certain the title was correct when I saw the written choreography; not as dance instructions but as a sketch. My brain feels expanded, and I'm hopeful once again about the web and its potential for advancing rather than adversely affecting the world in general, and my self in particular. Not only advancing but also connecting, across generations, human to human and artist to artist.

Thanks again and best of luck with your work.