Vampyre Regency Ball - City of London Guildhall, London

The Vampyre Regency Ball

6 September (Friday) -  in the City of London Guildhall, 7.30pm - 10.30pm. 
To celebrate the 200th anniversary of the very first vampire novel. Get a taste for a Regency ball!
Organised by the Guildhall Library with Mrs Bennet and the Fortuna Trio.



Venue full address:

The Livery Hall, Guildhall

Basinghall Street



This is a Regency Ball at the City of London Guildhall on Friday 6 September 2019 to mark the 200th anniversary of the publication of John Polidori's short story, The Vampyre, which spawned a new genre of romantic fiction! 

Discover for yourself what it might have been like to attend a Regency ball in a historical setting with expert dance tuition from dance mistress, Libby Curzon of Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom and live Regency Music from the Fortuna Trio.   This ball is aimed at both newcomers and regular dancers so come and enjoy this re-awakening of the past!


Cash bar and nibbles (but no food catering).

Regency Style Dress encouraged.  
NB Ladies dresses are available to hire from Miss Bennet's Wardrobe. Please send an email if you are interested.


City of London Guildhall, Livery Hall

Basinghall Street
EC2V 7HH London
United Kingdom