Theatre and pantomime dance in XVIIIth cent. : Grotesque from Lambranzi to Ferrère

Workshop for professionnals and semi-professionnals
from November 2nd to 6th 2009
with Klaus Abromeit and Guillaume Jablonka

This workshop is aimed at bringing together two major practical sources from XVIIIth century stage dance and taking out its grotesque basics :
" Die Neue und Curieuse Theatralische Tantzschule " by G. Lambranzi (1716)
and the manuscript containing ballets given in Valenciennes (France) by A. Ferrère (1782).

Each specialist of one of these documents will lead a practical exploration work on the source : reading, puzzling out, codes recognizing,... then a collective session at the end of the day will bring everything together : out of the trainees creativity will come small scenes in the style of those major sources.

cost : 350 € for whole workshop

Work days will have three parts :
1) 10h-11h30, dance warm up with G. Jablonka, then going on to repertory work on Ferrère manuscript. Each day will begin with warm-up exercises based on flexible barres by Wilfride Piollet.

2) 11h45-13h15, body theatre and pantomime training with K. Abromeit, then going on to repertory work on dances by G. Lambranzi.

3) 14h30-17h, building up grotesque pantomime scenes by trainees, helped by the two workshop leaders. The latter will then take care of answering to the trainees needs and expectations.

Dances from Ferrère manuscript are to be seen on or

Conservatoire d'Asnières sur Seine

4 rue de l'Eglise


+33 662 52 50 28
DIVERTIMENTY propose des spectacles vivants se rapportant à la danse du XVIIIe siècle sous toutes ses formes. Les créations de DIVERTIMENTY sont nourries de... read more
+49 030 781 73 25


+33 662 52 50 28
c/o Guillaume Jablonka