Leiterin des traditionsreichen, von Prof. Karl Heinz Taubert gegründeten 'Ensemble Historischer Tanz Berlin UdK', Tänzerin, Choreographin, Tanzforscherin, Dozentin; unterrichtet regelmäßig an der Universität der Künste Berlin und der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Leipzig sowie Workshops bei verschiedenen Institutionen im In- und Ausland;
Philippa Waite is well known as a performer and teacher of Baroque dance. She studied with Wendy Hilton and taught for her at the annual Baroque Music and Dance Workshops at Stanford University, USA. Philippa is currently guest teacher of Period Movement and Dance at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, Cardiff, and the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. She is Artistic Director of Consort de Danse Baroque and as such choreographs in the Baroque style for the company's producti
Philippa Waite
After a training in classical ballet Dorothée Wortelboer specialized in Renaissance and Baroque dance, the dance styles from the 15th until well into the 18th century. She works as a dance tutor, choreographer and performing artist and is the artistic leader both of the professional ensemble Folia and the amateur dance group Fiori di Folia. Dorothée has been doing – and never stops doing – extensive research into the source material extant for the Renaissance and Baroque period and has written dance manuals and produced CDs in close cooperation with a number of excellent early musicians.
Dorothee Wortelboer
Personnalité incontournable du monde de la danse baroque, Marie-Geneviève Massé apporte un regard original sur le répertoire chorégraphique baroque : ses spectacles ravissent à la fois les spécialistes et le grand public, grâce à ses talents d'invention et à la jubilation de ses interprètes.