All levels

Unser BAL du MASQUE richtet sich an Spieler, die Freude an einem edel, dekadenten und anspruchsvollen Abend mit Adelsspiel und Maskenball haben. Die Veranstaltung beginnt am frühen Nachmittag mit einem Tanzkurz und Einführung/ Auffrischung von historischen Tänzen durch die  Tanzmeisterin Natalie ( Arbon e.V.). Am Abend laden dann die Adeligen der Familie de Beauvoir zu einem vergnüglichen und kurzweiligen Maskenball ein. Da wir die komplette Location gebucht haben, ergibt sich für euch die Möglichkeit, die gesamte Burg zu bespielen und zu begehen.

Jugendherberge Freusburg

Burgstrasse 46
57548 Kirchen Freusburg ( bei Siegen)



Rappel : Atelier de danse baroque, vendredi 7 février de 19h à 22h, à Micadanses 15 rue Geoffroy l'Asnier 75004 Paris, studio So Schnell.
Nous continuerons notre travail en profondeur sur les pas de bases de la technique de la Belle-Danse, en élargissant le spectre des qualités (lent-rapide, glissé-sauté, haut-bas), puis en fin d'atelier nous danserons une ou deux contredanses de Feuillet ou John Essex.
A vendredi !  


Studio Micadanses

15 rue Geoffroy-l´Asnier
75004 Paris


0033 6 89 84 99 34
Irène Feste and Pierre-François Dollé are both professional dancers and teachers specialized in historical dance and especially in french Renaissance, baroque... read more


Ein "deutscher" Tanz als Modetanz in Frankreich - nach den Quellen
-  Guillaume, Maître de Danse: Almanach Dansant [...], Paris 1769
-  Sieur Brives, Maître de Danse: Nouvelle Méthode pour apprendre l'art de la danse [...], Toulouse 1779

Getanzt wurde die Allemande paarweise, zu dritt (ein Herr, zwei Damen), zu viert und in der Vierpaarversion. Geplanter Schwerpunkt unseres Kurses ist der paarweise Tanz. Zudem erfahren die Teilnehmer, wie die Allemande des Rokoko zum Vorfahren des Ländler in den Salons des Wiener Biedermeier wurde.

Tanzstudio Manhardt

Neubaugasse 38
1070 Wien






The Menuet à deux  —  the basic dance with lots of the variations offered by Pierre Rameau, Kellom Tomlinson, Gottried Taubert, Bartholome Ferriol and others, and showing also how the dance changed over time and how it was incorporated into other dances.

Dr John Gardiner-Garden is an Australian dancer, musician, researcher and dance teacher. He is the author of a 10 acclaimed books on historic dance, is the director of the  Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy

Time: 19th June, 6 – 9.30 pm, 


14476 Potsdam


(02) 62811098
Dr John Gardiner-Garden is a dance teacher, researcher, performer, leader, choreographer, organiser and musician (on hurdy-gurdy, border pipes and wooden flute... read more


+49 (0)152 53171183
Niels-Bohr-Ring 19 14480
14480 Potsdam

22nd Easter School of 19th century dance - Società di Danza

Friday, 18 April 2014 - Monday, 21 April 2014

Tabiano (Parma), Italy

Società di Danza

Director: F. Mòllica

The traditional Easter School of the Società di Danza this year will be in Tabiano (Pr), in the Parmesan hills.

In a beautiful environment, we will have the opportunity to spend a few days of communuty life, and to study more in depth theoretical and practical aspects of 19 century dance.

Program: social dance of 19th century tradition.

Terme di Tabiano

43039 Tabiano, Salsomaggiore Terme (Pr)


Cultural society directed by Fabio Mòllica Nineteenth Century Dance School "Società di Danza" is a Federation of 'Circoli', groups and individuals that agree... read more



Be inspired by the splendid medieval city of Perugia and the Umbrian landscape. Experience an unforgettable summer course, organized by the experts of Accademia Amsterdam in collaboration with the Università per Stranieri di Perugia. Meet friends while enjoying music, arts, Italian ‘cucina’ and literature.

We offer additional master-classes music and dance for those who want to improve their skills.

Accademia Amsterdam Summer Course - Perugia (Italy)

Via Podiani 11
06121 Perugia

Performer, Teacher

+39 334 576 33 13
Accademia Amsterdam is inspired by an Italian institution flourishing in the 17th and 18th centuries, where people gathered to make music and discuss wide-... read more
01803 320026
Ricardo Barros PhD is one of the few specialists to conciliate an exuberant and passionate performance with an in-depth understanding of the Music & Dance... read more


Le Gran Bal Masquè

Società di Danza

Palazzo Brancaccio, Roma, I


Sunday 9 Febrauary 2014 h. 15

Palazzo Brancaccio Viale del Monte Oppio, 7, Roma

Entrance by invitation

19th century ball with quadrilles, waltzed, polka, mazurka, contredanses.

The association Società di Danza founded in 1991 by Fabio Mòllica and active in about thirty cities in Italy, and in Rome since 2002, organizes a reconstruction of a 19th century ball in the historical Palazzo Brancaccio.

Quadrille, Waltz, Contredanse, Polka, Mazurka.





Cultural society directed by Fabio Mòllica Nineteenth Century Dance School "Società di Danza" is a Federation of 'Circoli', groups and individuals that agree... read more

La Cie Fantaisies Baroques vous convie à sa nouvelle création "Turquerie à La Française", au studio Regard du Cygne (210, rue de Belleville 75020 Paris) le vendredi 31 janvier, samedi 1er et dimanche 2 février, tous les soirs à 19h.

Cette nouvelle crétion s'appuie sur les mémoires du Chevalier d'Arvieux, qui nous relate la visite de Soliman Aga, envoyé du Sultan de Turquie, en 1669. C'est une fantaisie pleine d'exotisme, une mascarade autour de la vision d'un pays lointain à l'époque du Roi Soleil.


Studio Le Regard du Cygne

210 rue de Belleville
75020 Paris


0033 6 89 84 99 34
Irène Feste and Pierre-François Dollé are both professional dancers and teachers specialized in historical dance and especially in french Renaissance, baroque... read more


Rappel : Atelier de danse baroque, vendredi 24 janvier 2014 de 19h à 22h.
Nous axerons cet atelier sur un travail détaillé des fondamentaux de la danse baroque : les familles de pas et leur variété. Nous testerons différents rapports dans l'espace, nous danserons du lent au rapide, du glissé au sauté.
Pour clore l'atelier, nous apprendrons la contredanse "The Great Turck" en préambule de la nouvelle création de la compagnie Fantaisies Baroques "Turquerie à la Française".

Studio Micadanses

15 rue Geoffroy-l´Asnier
75004 Paris


0033 6 89 84 99 34
Irène Feste and Pierre-François Dollé are both professional dancers and teachers specialized in historical dance and especially in french Renaissance, baroque... read more




Chris & Ellis Rogers invite you to a 1914 inspired ball. 

Live music, (period) will be provided by ‘Green Ginger’ and dances will include: quadrilles, couple dances and country dances of the period. 

The ballroom has a beautiful sprung maple floor and will evoke the halycon days on the eve of the Great War- 1914


Tickets- £45 includes a light supper (all profits will be donated to the Royal British Legion Poppy Fund)

Changing facilities are available and on site parking is free.

York House

Richmond Road
TW1 3AA Twickenham
United Kingdom


+44 (0) 208 8892 2234
Stuart Marsden is a professionally trained and qualified dancer & musician who specialises in 18th,  19th  & early 20th century dance. The picture, is... read more
01 689 600 768
Ellis Rogers, author of The Quadrille, and a well known 19th century dance specialist. read more read more


+44 (0) 208 8892 2234
38, Gordon Avenue. St Margarets
TW1 1NQ Twickenham
United Kingdom
01 689 600 768
24 Laxey Road
BR6 6BL Orpington
United Kingdom