Ten sheets of authoritative information on historical dance from the Middle Ages to the Victyorian period and the related arts of music and costume.
Price - UK £2.50; Europe £3.50; Elsewhere £4.50
Historische Tänze für Anfänger
Kursgebühr 35,- €/Monat
der erste Schnuppermonat ist frei
Leichte Tanzbekleidung und –schuhe.
Gymnastikmatte oder Decke
Humbser Palais
Helmplatz 1
90762 Fürth
Mittwoch, 19:30 - 21:00 Uhr
Mittwoch, 29.2.2012
Peter Hoffmann
Presenting the original text for each dance, with abbreviations extended, and editorial comment to aid reconstruction. Many dances had been in use since the 1570s and so are given here in late 16th century and early 17th century style.
Edited by David Wilson(2001).
Price - £7; (inc. P&P - UK - £9.50; EU - £11.00; Elsewhere - £14.00)
8 papers on the place, value and organisation of Early Dance within education, from primary school to teacher training college, and a variety of contexts within the community, such as work with the visually impaired, with juvenile ballet classes, within public concerts and at living hisotry events.
Edited by David Wilson(1999).
Price - £6; (inc. P&P - UK - £7.50; EU - £9.00; Elsewhere - £10.50)
These papers presented: A lively picture of the London theatre, Stage dancing and related matters in the second half of the 17th century; How stage dancing survived the closing of the theatres during the Interregnum; A comparison of aspects of the reign of Charles II with those of the Commonwealth and reign of Charles I; How far did magistrates relax their standards?
Edited by David Wilson(2002).
Price - £6; (inc. P&P - UK - £7.50; EU - £9.00; Elsewhere - £10.50)
Successive modes of dancing in France responded directly to changes in the social and political environment; the relative calm of England brought such changes more slowly; French emigres brought French modes to England, and in France, English country style could be affected without making any unwise political statement. In the special case of Bals de victimes, dance and dress defied the new regime - from behind closed doors. A detailed study of dancing as described and experienced by Jane Austen completed the English aspect of those troubled times.
Edited by David Wilson(2004).
8 papers cover: Satyr dance in ancient Greece; Masks in Roman dance theatre; Mask dances from Portugal; Masquing dances of the Stuarts; Masks in the etchings of G M Mitelli; Masquerade balls in 18th century England and the subversion of the social order; Masked performance in Bali and Japan; Making masks for dancing.
Edited by David Wilson(2006).
Price - £6; (inc. P&P - UK - £7.50; EU - £9.00; Elsewhere - £10.50)
7 papers celebrating the life and work of Belinda Quirey (1912-1996)Edited by David Wilson(1997).
Price - £6; (inc. P&P - UK - £7.50; EU - £9.00; Elsewhere - £10.50)
9 papers cover: Changing attitudes to dance; Fencing Masters, the language of their teaching; Dancing masters in 15th century Burgundy; Dance and education in the 17th century; Dancing Masters in 18th century Dublin; Scholars, apprentices and dance training, 1700-1750; Dancing Masters: Professionals or businessmen?; Monsieur Nevelon; Arbeau's Orchesographie in 19th century dance histories.
Edited by Barbara Segal (2008).
Price - £8; (inc. P&P - UK - £9.50; EU - £11.50; Elsewhere - £14.00)
10:00 Registration and coffee/tea
10:30 Workshop commences
17:00 Finish
The variety and riches of dancing c.1600 will be presented through close study of a balletto by Caroso or Negri, alongside a selection of dances from England and France.
Breaks for tea & coffee (£1 for whole day), and lunch, will be made at appropriate points in the day. You may bring a packed lunch. There are several pubs, sandwich bars and cafes in the area.