freier Dozent für Tanz & Ästhetik
Diplomdesigner -
Tanzmeister, Choreograph, Eventmanager, historischer Tänzer von Mittelalter bis Empire/Regency
Seit mehr als 30 Jahren habe ich mich bis auf eine unfallbedingte Pause dem historischen Tanz verschrieben.
Die unvergesslichen Momente die sich während all der Zeit in mein Herz brannten auf Schloss Wiesenthau, auf Burg Rothenfels, Schloss Alteglofsheim und natürlich in Italien, Cortona, Urbino, Saluzzo, Ferrara... mit all meinen Freunden und Lehrern.
Karin Modigh is a choreographer, stage director, creator and teacher, who discovered early dance at the age of 15. She is a native of Sweden living in Paris, France, with a multidisciplinary education in dance, theatre and music. As a dancer, Karin has worked with some of the leading choreographers in her field, and has performed in Europe, the US and South Korea.
Karin Modigh
Jørgen Schou-Pedersen (b. 1952) studied the Science of Music at the University of Copenhagen. He has studied the history of dance with many of the leading experts and he has also researched the primary sources in the field of the history of dance himself. He carries the teaching certificate from The Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society where he is now a teacher. He also teaches historical dance at the National Theatre School and the Royal Music Conservatory in Copenhagen.
The ensemble "Resoldo Milare" combines the acoustic pleasure of renaissance music with the visual experience of the dance.
Dance steps and sequences are carefully reconstructed from original sources.
Presented in historical costumes the ensemble creates a lively picture of dance and music from the renaissance.
Resoldo Milare
Danse Ecosse is an historical dance group specialising in the performance of 15thC and 16thC dances. They are particularly interested in dances from the Court of Mary Queen of Scots.
The Italian Renaissance dance company (based in Assisi) carries out philological research aimed at reconstructing, teaching and then performing 15th and 16th century Italian court dances in original costumes with a music ensemble
Compagnia di danza antica Belreguardo
Pia Brocza
A performing group dedicated to Nuremberg's time of glamour in the 15th and 16th century: music and dance and tradition.
Nürnberger Schembart-Gesellschaft e.V.
A club for all those interested in the dances of earlier times. It was formed in 2002 and now has a membership of around thirty. They are concentrating on dances of the Tudor and Stuart period - bransles, almains, pavans, and country dances ...
By Dorotheé Wortelboer
CD recordings and manual for early dance