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About me: 

Simona Cavaliere has many years of experience in Italian Renaissance Dance. She has trained as a dancer and performer with the most reputable experts in Europe, both in Italy and in France, as well as performed extensively in Florence and UK. She has studied with Marco Bendoni and Bruna Gondoni (lecturer at the Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society) both in Italy and in France. she has studied Italian Renaissance Dance with Bruna Gondoni and Marco Bendoni, Baroque Dance with Cecilia Gracio Moura as well as Spanish Baroque Dance with Ana Yepes

She has performed in Florence with the historical dance group “Capriccio Armonico”.

Her approach to early dance is focused on the reconstruction of gesture, style and costumes from the original sources.

her classes will offer you the opportunity to explore period dance through 15th century Balli and Basse Danze, as well as sumptuous 16th century Balletti, Pavane and Gagliarde from the treatises of the dance masters.


Member for
12 years 7 months