catarina costa e silva

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About me: 

is Founder and Artistic Director of Portingaloise, company and festival of Historical Dances. Performer of contemporary and historical dance, singer, choreographer and stage director. Collaborated with several Portuguese and foreign groups such as Ensemble Clepsidra, Ensemble Elyma, Udite Amanti, Divino Sospiro, Capella Sanctae Crucis, Il Dolcimelo, O Bando do Surunyo, La Floreta, among others. Founding member of the Ibero-American Group for the Study of Historical Dance and council member of the European Association for Dance History. Long term teacher of Music (for dancers) and History of Art at Ginasiano - Dance School and of Early Dance at the Early Music Course at ESMAE - Porto; short term teacher at Early Music Week in Federal University of Minas Gerais, European Union Baroque Orchestra (EUBO), Academia Ludovice Ensemble. Studied Historical Dance with Béatrice Massin, Bruna Gondoni, Catherine Turocy, Cecília Gracio Moura, Cecília Nocilli, Diana Campóo, Dorothée Wortelboer, Françoise Denieau, Jürgen Schrape, Marie Geneviève Massé, Maria José Ruiz, Ricardo Barros, among others. Dance Diploma at Ginasiano; Art History Diploma at FLUP; Singing Diploma at ESMAE_P.Porto; Master in Music-Theater Studies at the University of Sheffield; doctoral student in Artistic Studies and a member of the Center for Classical and Humanistic Studies at the University of Coimbra.


Member for
15 years 8 months