15th Century Italian Court Dance Course

15th Century Italian Court Dance Course taught by CHIEKO ONO     WHERE: Italian Cultural Institute, Sydney (Australia) Level 4, 125 York Street Sydney NSW 2000 - Australia     WHEN: 24-25 Febraury 2016     COURSE: Introduction and practice of the Court Dance based on Italian humanist theories. By learning the style and the rules established by the Italian masters of the time, we will be able to revive the Renaissance on our skin.   We will practice unreleased dances reconstructed through the Italian original Treaties.

The music used will come from "Gloria et Malum" (Belreguardo-Micrologus), a CD containing XV Century Italian Court Dance music.

  For further information and booking: The Italian Cultural Institute, Sydney Tel:  +61 2 9261 1780 Fax: +61 2 9262 9333 E-mail: iicsydney@esteri.it, angeloassisi86@libero.it Website: http://www.iicsydney.esteri.it/IIC_Sydney/webform/SchedaEvento.aspx?id=750&citta=Sydney

Italian Cultural Institute, Sydney (Australia)

125 York Street


++39 348 3848819
Chieko ONO graduated in Japan and now lives in Assisi and Guardea. She directed many Italian 15th century dances in Italy and around Europe, USA and Japan. She... read more


+39 075 8043548 or +39 348 3848819
Viale Patrono d'Italia 66 c/o Chieko ONO
6088 PG Italy