19th century

"Nichts hält so jung wie ein alter Tanz"


Schwetzingen, Bassermannhaus

Marstallstr. 50
68723 Schwetzingen


+49 30 465 57 11
Leiterin des traditionsreichen, von Prof. Karl Heinz Taubert gegründeten 'Ensemble Historischer Tanz Berlin UdK', Tänzerin, Choreographin, Tanzforscherin,... read more


The Galleria Le 5 Lune, set in the magnificent Sant’Apollinare architectural complex just besides Piazza Navona and the Pantheon, will host a rendezvous with 19th century social dances conducted by Paolo Di Segni with live accompaniment by the Orchestra da ballo de "Il Teatro della Memoria", an ensemble led by Andrea Toschi and specialized in the performance of typical Salon Orchestra repertory, making use of orginal period arrangements.

Galleria Le 5 Lune

Piazza delle Cinque Lune, 74


PAOLO DI SEGNI Born in Switzerland in 1960, Maestro Di Segni started his musical education following the Jaques-Dalcroze method. He specialized in historical... read more
(+39) 328-3645555
Dance company legally incorporated in 1992. Promotes dance performance from Renaissance to 19th century. Organizes the early dance & music summer workshop... read more


Stuart Marsden is a professionally trained and qualified dancer & musician who specialises in 18th,  19th  & early 20th century dance. The picture, is of me as Peter Rabbit and  was taken during filming of 1830's dace at Tatton Park in Cheshire...Shhhh.... don't tell farmer Mc Greggor!



Stuart Marsden

+44 (0) 208 8892 2234
38, Gordon Avenue. St Margarets
TW1 1NQ Twickenham
United Kingdom

Voici le programme des ateliers de danse baroques et danses du Premier Empire de janvier à juin 2014.

Premier atelier de danse baroque : le 24 janvier de 19h à 22h.

A noter : Stage sur deux jours le week-end du 22-23 mars 2014.

Lieu : Micadanses, 15 rue Geoffroy L'asnier 75004 PARIS, studio So Schnell

Métro L 1 St Paul ou L 7 Pont Marie

Dear Friends,

Here the programm from all our friday evening workshops from january untill june 2014.

Studio Micadanses

15 rue Geoffroy-l´Asnier
75004 Paris


0033 6 89 84 99 34
Irène Feste and Pierre-François Dollé are both professional dancers and teachers specialized in historical dance and especially in french Renaissance, baroque... read more


Christmas Grand Ball

15.12.2013 h. 16

Villa di Corliano, S. Giuliano Terme (Pisa), I

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Pisa, Villa di Corliano, S. Giuliano

S. S. Abetone, 50
56010 San Giuliano Terme (PI)


Cultural society directed by Fabio Mòllica Nineteenth Century Dance School "Società di Danza" is a Federation of 'Circoli', groups and individuals that agree... read more
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza promotes historical research on Nineteenth Century and Historical dances, according to the aims of the Società di... read more




Vendredi 6 Décembre de 19h à 22h


Au programme : Nous approfondirons notre travail sur le Menuet d'Hugger,

d'après le "Dance Book TB" de 1826.

Il s'agit d'une danse pour un couple qui n'a de menuet que le nom. Il se

Studio Micadanses

15 rue Geoffroy-l´Asnier
75004 Paris


0033 6 89 84 99 34
Irène Feste and Pierre-François Dollé are both professional dancers and teachers specialized in historical dance and especially in french Renaissance, baroque... read more


Fancy travelling back in time to the pre-Victorian period, when the ladies in Jane Austen’s novels put the excitement into life? In 2014, our annual opera ball in the sumptuous salons of the Ghent opera house will be on the theme of the 1770-1820 period, a time of aristocratic excess and official balls. The focus of the evening is the ‘country dance’, but you will also pick up old minuets and new waltzes. Each dance is taught on the evening itself, to the accompaniment of a live orchestra. So put on your finest dress and who knows, you may meet your very own Mr Darcy.

Flanders Opera - Ghent (Belgium)



English Lieven Baert began his career in 1981 in Ghent, Belgium, and has studied with Elizabeth Aldrich, Ingrid Brainard, Angene Feves, Andrea Francalanci,... read more

DER KAISERLICHE PRINZ III - Salontänze von 1860 bis 1890

Referentin: Sylvia Hartung, Dresden – Saalfeld


Paare, aber auch einzelne Tänzerinnen und Tänzer sind eingeladen:

Wer gerne schwungvoll tanzt und Kontratänze oder Quadrillen liebt, kann hier eine wunderbare Tanzwelt - das wahrhaft gesellschaftliche Tanzen - entdecken.

Akademie Schloss Rotenfels

Badstr. 1
76560 Gaggenau


+49 1605860040
Englisch Sylvia Hartung reconstructs, choreographies and teaches social (ballroom) dances of the 19th and 20th century from Europe and North America since 2005... read more


07551 66626
Goldacher Str. 19
88662 Ueberlingen

'The Mirror Room in the Palace of Versailles is the most beautiful room in the world. The great aristocratic families of Europe took up the idea for their grandest palaces. None more thoroughly than the noble house of Festetics for their palace in the charming town of Keszthely on the shore of lake Balaton, Hungary, which was built in 1745. Now you can have the pleasure of dancing in this most beautiful Mirror Room of the Palace.

Mirror Room of Festetics Palace



For over ten years, Zsuzsi has been conducting workshops and has been dance mistress at balls in various countries, such as the UK, Malta, Switzerland, Spain,... read more


Long Bennington
United Kingdom

For over ten years, Zsuzsi has been conducting workshops and has been dance mistress at balls in various countries, such as the UK, Malta, Switzerland, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Russia and in her home country, Hungary. 

She regulalry organises historical balls in Hungary ranging between the Georgian/Regency and Victorian periods attracting an international clientele from all over the world.

She speaks four languages which helps in bringing international dance communities together in the joy of dancing. 


Zsuzsi Dingsdale

Long Bennington
United Kingdom