Kurs von FR abend bis SO mittag und Tanzfest am Samstag abend, Unterbringung und Vollpension im Schloss
LONDON, Fri 12th, 7.30pm
Purcell's Dioclesian with the Baroque orchestra of the Royal College of Music, directed by Ashley Solomon.
Dancers of Mercurius Company performing new choreographies by Ricardo Barros and Madeleine Inglehearn.
Concert Hall
Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road,
Telephone: 020 7589 3643
More info: www.rcm.ac.uk
Admission £5, £10, £15
People involved:
Ricardo Barros
Kornelia Gomulka
Madeleine Inglehearn
Barbara Segal
Jennifer Thorp
Sasza Zargowski
Ruth Wharrier
Royal College of Music
ALLEGRA - Agentur für Kultur
Musik und Tanz
am Hofe Louis XIV um 1700
Meisterkurs für Blockflöte und Barocktanz vom 23.-28. August 2010
6 Tage Kursunterricht, Dozentenkonzert, Abschlussabend
Kursgebühr: 180-260,- EUR
Matthias Weilenmann (Zürich), Blockflöte
Katharina Lugmayr (Wien), Blockflöte
Bernd Niedecken (Freiburg), Tanz
Yvonne Ritter (Zürich/Berlin), Korrepetition
Musikakademie Schloss Weikersheim
Das Programm unseres 5. Sommerseminars in Seitenstetten im grünen Mostviertel (Niederösterreich) umfaßt wie immer 3 Kursniveaus:
Anfänger und Anfänger mit Vorkenntnissen tanzen mit Alexander Fischer einen "Klassiker" des 18. Jahrhunderts, L'Aimable Vainqueur.
Mäßig Fortgeschrittene erarbeiten mit Pia Brocza Mr. Isaac's Rigadoon (1706) und Tomlinsons Passepied Round O (1715) und erfahren mehr "Von dem Pas compose de Menuet" – Variationen und Vorlieben europäischer Tanzmeister des 18. Jahrhunderts.
Fiori di Folia is a dance group specialized in the performance of Renaissance and Baroque dance. Under the artistic leadership of Dorothée Wortelboer the group aims at performing dances reconstructed from the original sources or carefully choreographed in one of the different styles of the eras from the late 15th to the late 18th century. Although the dancers are amateurs, they have all had intensive training in early dance.
Spettacolo di mattina per le scuole il 4 marzo 2010 presso il Teatro Roma (recentemente aperto in via Umbertide, 3 - Roma - fermata Metro A Colli Albani) alle ore 10.30
Biglietto: € 9,50
Questa farsa in musica, liberamente ispirata a Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme di Molière (1670), ripropone
alcuni brani nati dalla collaborazione fra il celebre drammaturgo e un'altra figura centrale della vita
teatrale del tempo, il musicista di origine italiana Jean-Baptiste Lully, e li arricchisce con musiche create
Teatro Roma
In 1673, Molière and Charpentier collaborated to produce “Le Malade Imaginaire”, with interludes where shepherds, moors, comedians and crazy doctors sang and danced and clowned their way through a succession of fantastical scenes.
We will be looking at the First Interlude: Polichinelle comes to serenade his beloved – with disastrous results! We‘ll be concentrating on mask work, commedia, and ensemble dance work.
Actors and Singers are welcome as well as Dancers!
Mercurius Company's Living Arts Project-
Opening Concert of our 3 month long project of concerts and educational projects in London.
This event will take place at the Wallace's '18th-Century Day' which this year celebrates Louis XV's 300th 'birthday'. We'll also mark the 350th anniversary of Campra's birth.
In the programme works by Campra and Rebel.
Costumed company:
Ricardo Barros & Barbara Segal ~ baroque dance
Alex Kidgell ~ soprano
Lisete da Silva ~ baroque flute
Joe Harrop ~ baroque violin
Nick Stringfellow ~ baroque cello
Claire Williams ~ harpsichord