
Curso de 20 horas de clases teórico - prácticas de aproximación a las danzas de los siglos XIV y XV en el Monasterio de Osuna, Sevilla , con el profesor Marco Bendoni, colaborador de formaciones musicales como La Rossignol, Arpegiatta, Jordi Savall, Le Petit Bande, o Emilio Villalba y Sara Marina.

Los alumnos de danza tendrán la oportunidad de bailar con la interpretación de la música en directo de Emilio Villalba y Sara Marina, así como de asistir a conferencias  sobre " La Construcción de instrumentos históricos" o de " La indumentaria del siglo XV"


Fundación Instrumentos Musicales con Historia



  Emilio Villalba es multiinstrumentista e investigador de músicas históricas. Ha trabajado impartiendo conferencias e interpretando conciertos en España,... read more
Inizia a lavorare nel 1987 con la danza contemporanea, Martha Graham vedendolo ballare una sua coreo-grafia Primitive Misteryes, gli da una borsa di studio per... read more


- 6 Branles zum Ballbeginn (Branle simple, Branle gay, Branle de Poitou, Branle double de Poitou, Branle double de Montirandé, Gavotte)

- La Gillotte (Reigen für 4 Paare)

- La Bourrée (5 Strophen)

- 4 Lothringer Branles

- Spagnoletta nuova da farsi in tre (Caroso 1581)

- Courante (Arbeau 1589)

- Spanische Pavane (Arbeau 1589)

- Grimstock (Playford 1651)

Kuturpark, Volkshochschule Zürich

Pfingstweidstrasse 16
8005 Zürich


(++41) 079 455 37 42
Swiss dancing group dedicated to historical dance (mainly baroque). Is doing performances, organizing balls and courses. Very nice website. read more read more
+41 (0)79 455 3742


+41 (0)79 455 3742
Tellstrasse 31
8004 Zürich

Professor Margaret McGowan is a noted dance historian and historian of early modern France, one of the first scholars to focus on the history of dance, in particular in the late Renaissance and the fin-de-siècle period at the end of the nineteenth century. Author of nearly a dozen books, she has published over eighty articles and book chapters.

Online on Zoom


On its website, the EDC lists opportunities to learn and to enjoy historical dancing throughout the UK. You can also find there information on all periods of... read more

« A balli, a balli liete venite  »*


                Si le monde marche sur la tête, si nous avons le sentiment d’être des marionnettes, faisons volte-face et dansons avec légèreté et humour.

                Carnaval, fête des fous sont les manifestations d’un monde inversé. Déjà connus dans l’antiquité, ces moments de logique à l’envers avec négation de l’ordre établi se codifient dès la Renaissance.

Maison de la Danse Auxerre

11 rue Milliaux Maison de la Danse
89000 Auxerre

Performer, Teacher, Organizer

06 74 36 51 48
Bassa Toscana L’association Bassa Toscana a été créée fin 2000. Elle a établi son siège à Auxerre, en Bourgogne, pour mettre en valeur le patrimoine et l’... read more


06 74 36 51 48
23 rues des Grands Champs Laborde
89000 Auxerre
Would you like to hone your 15th century footwork through systematic drills that promote grace, elegance and rhythm? Do you have issues hearing the music, or finding then beat? Then join my 15th Century Footwork Drill classes (both beginner and intermediate/advanced levels on offer) and dance your way to a happier person! :-)     Cost: $4 per person per class When: times/dates/levels detailed on registration form - Remember to double check your time zone! All times are based on New Mexico, United States

Online on Zoom

For those who crave the rabbit hole! :)  This three-hour workshop shall not only teach a choreography, but also paint a cultural picture from primary source chronicles describing dance in context and work on drilling the refinements for every step and transition to create a truly elegant, tantalizing result for both dancers and audience. And finally, we shall examine some variations from across the sources to create a sense of variety. This workshop shall be focusing on the various versions of Amoroso (there are four, in fact...).   Cost: $17 per person 

Online on Zoom

For those who crave the rabbit hole! :)  This three-hour workshop shall not only teach a choreography, but also paint a cultural picture from primary source chronicles describing dance in context and work on drilling the refinements for every step and transition to create a truly elegant, tantalizing result for both dancers and audience. And finally, we shall examine some variations from across the sources to create a sense of variety. This workshop shall focus on Marchesana.   Cost: $17 per person 

Online on Zoom

Join the Contessa and the renowned ensemble Gaita Medieval Music for a delightful morning/afternoon/evening of live music and dance - fifteenth century style! this month's theme is a celebration of Spring! For those who wish to fully participate in the theme, accessories might include wreaths and garlands of flowers and/or greenery - but not required for you to join us! :)  

Online on Zoom

Would you like to take your medieval and Renaissance dance to the next level? Or to learn exciting new versions of delightful dances from the glorious courts of the 15th century? Wish to hone fundamental footwork and techniques? Then join my four-part workshop series and expand your repertory! We shall be covering several dances over this series, possibly to include (rate of progress allowing):  Bassadanza Pellegrina, Bassadanza Mignotta vecchia, and Gratiosa  

Online on Zoom

Would you like to explore graceful social dance from the bygone era of the great medieval and Renaissance courts? Have no real experience, or wish to review fundamental footwork and techniques (and possibly learn new versions of dances)? Then join my four-part workshop series and walk away with a fundamental grasp of both the basics and several dances. We shall be covering several dances over this series, possibly to include:  anello for two (a completely new Contessa creation in the proper style), petits vriens, and danse de cleves.  

Online on Zoom