Belriguardo Foundation

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About me: 

Belriguardo Foundation - your window on history and art. Our name - 'Belriguardo' - means 'beautiful view'. It is also name of a villa owned by 16th century Ferrara rulers, where prince Leonello took dance lessons from master Domenico of Piacenza. Domenico was on of the first masters of Italian school of dance. He created a dance of the same name - Belriguardo. Historical dance is a base for our activities in (Not only) Courtly Dance Theatre Belriguardo. Our offer includes old dances: medieval, renaissance, baroque, 19th century, as well as ball dances and repertoire from the 1920s and 1930s.

Our performances are a lesson not only on dance, but also history of fashion, art and culture. Our dancers perform in carefully reconstructed costumes based on popular fashion of the presented eras. We cooperate with professional dance teachers, experienced dancers from Historical Dance Ensemble 'Belriguardo', historians, art historians, teachers, musicians and many other specialists and people interested in culture.

Our mission is to discover, document and popularize knowledge about different historical periods, history of places and culture through dance, music, arts and crafts, multimedia, theatre and fashion. We want to share our passion for culture, art and tradition, especially related to 'living history'.



Member for
7 years 2 months