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About me: 

The Cracovia Danza Court Ballet (formely known as “Ardente Sole”) is a Municipal Institution of Culture in Kraków, which is proud to be the only professional court ballet in Poland. The Ballet, established by a famous dancer and choreographer - Romana Agnel, specializes in historical court dances. The institution has been working since 2006 and it popularizes the high culture and artistic education. Its aim is to spread dance culture and heritage by an exchange of experiences among Polish and foreign artists, who cultivate historical dances, and thanks to propagating the knowledge about dance and court culture. The Court Ballet is engaged in many different fields of activity. It includes such sorts of activities as: artistic (the creation and staging of ballet performances), promotional (cooperation and exchange with other dance ensembles, organization of seminars, meetings and discussions, publishing the publications about dance) as well as educational (dance classes, programmes, workshops) and scientific (research into the history of dance and ballet).


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12 years 3 months