II Spring Course - Baroque Dance & Fandango

Baroque Dance with Guillaume Jablonka (Dir. Divertimenty)

Fandango XVIIIth c. with María José Ruiz Mayordomo (Dir. Esquivel)

Friday 3rd

10-13h Baroque dance - Intermediate level


14-17 Fandango*


Saturday 4th

10-12 Baroque dance

12.30-14.30h Fandango


16-17h. Baroque dance

17.15-18-15 Fandango

18.30-19.30h Teachers and studens debate


Price 84€ (6h-course)

Discounts - 10% before February 25th; 20% Luthier students. Cumulative discounts

registration deadline March 2nd.


* Research article reference: 



Escola LUTHIER dansa

C. Balmes, 53 baixos
08007 Barcelona


Telèfon: (+34) 93.451.31.38
+34 619053032
MARÍA JOSÉ RUIZ MAYORDOMO Coreólogo, coreautor, docente e intérprete coreográfico y musical. Doctor en Teoría de las Artes (URJC – Facult. Ciencias Sociales y... read more
His career as a dancer took him to the Ballet du Nord (Roubaix, France) where he met Jean Guizerix and Wilfride Piollet and then integrated their Barres... read more


Telèfon: (+34) 93.451.31.38
C. Balmes, 53 baixos
08007 Barcelona
41° 23' 21.9444" N, 2° 9' 44.3844" E