19th century

Tänze des 19. Jahrhunderts bis Anfang 20. Jahrhundert zum 100-jährungen Bäder-Jubileum der Stadt Bad Homburg - nach originalen Quellen

Bad Homburg

Bad Homburg


+49 1605860040
Englisch Sylvia Hartung reconstructs, choreographies and teaches social (ballroom) dances of the 19th and 20th century from Europe and North America since 2005... read more

Deutsche Version
Palast von Treskov in Biedrusko
20 Uhr bis 04 Uhr morgens.
Der Nacht mit Früstück in Palace 25 Euro. Die Preis der Ball - pro Person 75 Eur.

Es ist ein höfischer Ball, mit Tänzen aus Renaissance, Barock, Romantik und heutiger. Aber die Mehrheit sind barocke Tänze. Die Gäste kommen in Kostümen aus Renaissance oder Barock.

Biedrusko - kleine Dorf 10 km. bei Posen (Poznań) in Polen. Es gibt gute Reise von Berlin (250 km).

Weitere Infos unter 0048 516 166 721 oder 0048 793 330 036

Polish version

Hof in Biedrusko



Après une relaxation au sol et un échauffement doux de l'ensemble du corps, nous aborderons les subtilités du Quadrille français avec ses figures et nous continuerons notre exploration de la valse 1er Empire.
L'atelier a lieu vendredi 13 janvier de 19h à 22h à Micadanses, 15 rue Geoffroy L'Asnier 75004 Paris ( studio So Schnell ).
Les dates des prochains ateliers :
- Danses du 1er Empire : 9 février
- Danse Baroque : 27 janvier et 17 février, toujours même horaire, même studio.

Studio Micadanses

15 rue Geoffroy-l´Asnier
75004 Paris


0033 (0)6 89 84 99 34
Pierre-François Dollé. Danseur, chorégraphe, pédagogue. Directeur artistique de la Cie Fantaisies baroques Après une formation pluridisciplinaire à l'Académie... read more
débute la danse à 3 ans. Elle obtient l’Examen d’Aptitudes Techniques de danse, puis le Diplôme d’Etat de professeur de danse classique. Elle s’est formée avec... read more


Irène Feste and Pierre-François Dollé are both professional dancers and teachers specialized in historical dance and especially in french Renaissance, baroque and french first Empire. The company Fantaisies Baroques is composed by dancers, musicians, singers and comedians wich are all passionated by those periods and willing to create new forms with historical material. We're available for any question or request.

Compagnie Fantaisies Baroques / Irène Feste, Pierre-François Dollé

0033 6 89 84 99 34
5 bis, rue de la Ferme
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt

Dr John Gardiner-Garden is a dance teacher, researcher, performer, leader, choreographer, organiser and musician (on hurdy-gurdy, border pipes and wooden flute) with 25 years of experience. He is well-respected for the rigour he brings to his historical research, the creativity he brings to his his productions and the enthusiasm he brings to his teaching. He is literate in every dance notation system from the 15th to the19th century and possesses a library of over 200 historic dance manuals.

John Gardiner-Garden

(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street
ACT 2600 Yarralumla

Performing group dedicated to Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Regency, Victorian and Vintage Dance. Classes offered weekly at the Australian National University in Canberra.
Interstate and Overseas Tours, Festivals and Dance Events.

Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy

(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street Yarralumla
ACT 2600 Canberra

Klassische Tanzausbildung, Studium der Schulmusik, Rhythmik und Musikwissenschaft.

Seit 1980 Rekonstruktion von historischen Tänzen des 15. - 19. Jahrhunderts nach den Primärquellen, Entwicklung eines eigenen Tanzstils. Auftritte als Solistin der Ensembles Antica Nova und Historisches Tanztheaters München (1983-1996), Leiterin der Gruppen Ensemble Capriol (1986-1994) und La Danza München (seit 1999).

Jadwiga Nowaczek

(0 89) 92333853
Lindental 28
94032 Passau

Lieven Baert teaches 19th century dances connected to the opera repertoire (From Paris to Vienna).
Doors at 7.30 pm
Entrance 13 euro
Reservation +32 70 22 02 02

Flanders Opera - Ghent (Belgium)



English Lieven Baert began his career in 1981 in Ghent, Belgium, and has studied with Elizabeth Aldrich, Ingrid Brainard, Angene Feves, Andrea Francalanci,... read more


Scheldestraat 109 IHDP vzw, c/o Lieven Baert
9040 Gent

Jane Austen Society Florence is an association founded by event organiser, costume designer and dancer Margarita Martinez in 2008. Together with Atelier de Danse, Florence, they hold an annual Jane Austen and/or Napoleonic Ball open to international guests, faithfully reproducing a Ball from that period; dancing, music, orchestration, buffet, clothes, manners, games and culture.
Dances performed are: the menuet (1810), quadrilles, contredanses françaises, contredanses anglaises, cotillons, ecossaises and waltzes (1810),

Jane Austen Society Florence

L'Atelier de Danse Via Sant'Egidio, 10
50121 Firenze
Type of offer: 

A comprehensive introduction by Ellis Rogers offers comments on the interpretation of the quadrille. Remarks on the interpretation of the music are by Meryl Thomson of Green Ginger.

This CD of PDF images contains thirteen Sets of Quadrilles, composed in the early nineteenth century by J. Paine. Over 300 hundred pages offer: first, the dances in their original format; the music, transcribed for legibility, indicates the repeat sequences; the original dance instructions for each quadrille are given, in considerably abbreviated form, below the music.