19th century

In 2010, for the first time in the 34 years of running historical dance schools, the Summer School will be open to instrumental musicians who would like to play for dancing. The course will follow the historical development in dance, from the earliest medieval references to the Twentieth Century. Highlights will include dances connected to the local area, including Knaresborough Castle, Ripley Castle, Castle Howard, The Victorian Spa and Pump Rooms, and Agatha Christie.

Ashville College

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


was founded by Peggy Dixon as a performance company in 1966. Under the artistic leadership of Darren Royston, the company continues its legacy of research,... read more


Free LONDON Classes for All!
Drop in on the hour. Observe or participate. Suitable for all ages & no experience required.
Each evening will include dancers in historical costume, background information and a
chance to join in and try out the dance moves at RADA.
For information, please email: BigDance@earlydancecircle.co.uk


MONDAY 5th July: Early Renaissance Dances (14th & 15th Centuries)

6:30 pm Class 1: Circles and Lines (14th century farandole & branle) Tutors: Velma Pursehouse & Darren Royston

Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA)

18 Chenies Street Bancroft Studio
WC1E 6ED London


On its website, the EDC lists opportunities to learn and to enjoy historical dancing throughout the UK. You can also find there information on all periods of... read more
01234 401863
Hazel draws upon a diverse practice of dance, drama and theatre studies through production, performance, research and conference. She teaches and choreographs... read more
01 689 600 768
Ellis Rogers, author of The Quadrille, and a well known 19th century dance specialist. read more read more
+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more
+44 29 2049 0680
Philippa Waite is well known as a performer and teacher of Baroque dance.  She studied with Wendy Hilton and taught for her at the annual Baroque Music and... read more

Spektakl „Taneczny Świat Chopina” – krakowska premiera, Teatr Stary im. H. Modrzejewskiej, godz. 19.00

Teatr Stary im. H. Modrzejewskiej

ul. Jagiellońska 5
31-010 Kraków


(12) 421 08 36
The 'Cracovia Danza' Court Ballet (formely known as “Ardente Sole”) is a Municipal Institution of Culture in Kraków, which is proud to be the only professional... read more


(12) 421 08 36
Plac na Groblach 7 (1st floor) (1st floor)
31-101 Kraków Kraków

“Chopin’s Dancing World” spectacle within the framework of Days of Krakow in Lwow, Potockis’ Palace in Lwow

Palace of Counts Potockis

15 Kopernyka Street


(12) 421 08 36
The 'Cracovia Danza' Court Ballet (formely known as “Ardente Sole”) is a Municipal Institution of Culture in Kraków, which is proud to be the only professional... read more


(12) 421 08 36
Plac na Groblach 7 (1st floor) (1st floor)
31-101 Kraków Kraków

“Chopin’s Dancing World” spectacle within the framework of 18th Meetings with Music “Chanterelle Festival”, Czartoryski’s Castle in Goluchow at 9 pm

Czartoryski’s Castle



(12) 421 08 36
The 'Cracovia Danza' Court Ballet (formely known as “Ardente Sole”) is a Municipal Institution of Culture in Kraków, which is proud to be the only professional... read more


(12) 421 08 36
Plac na Groblach 7 (1st floor) (1st floor)
31-101 Kraków Kraków

Saalgebäude, Schloss Paretz

Siehe auch die parallel laufenden Ausstellungen zu Königin Louise

Programme 28.08.2010

10-18 Uhr Einlass Ausstellung „Luise, Kleider der Königin“ (letzter Einlass 17.30 Uhr)

11-12 Uhr Jane Austen (1775-1817)-Gedanken über ihre Zeit, ihr Leben und ihre Romane“
Referent Mr. Alan Taylor, Norfolk GB

14-16 Uhr Tanzworkshop (Vorbereitung für den abendlichen Ball)

Schloss und Park Paretz

Parkring 1
14669 Ketzin


(++49) 030-692 78 92
Erica Feist is an artist, who takes inspiration from dances and choreographies. The site shows some examples of her work. read more read more


(++49) 030-692 78 92
Fontanepromenade 16
10967 Berlin

Liebe Leute,

verschiedene unvorhersehbar gewesene Unwegbarkeiten des Lebens sind schuld daran, dass die Einladung zu unserem Tanzfest, das am 8. Mai 2010 stattfinden soll, erst jetzt verschickt wird – also erst 10 Tage vorher ...

Aber manchmal sind ja spontane Veranstaltungen die schönsten, und so liegt es diesmal an uns, diejenigen Lügen zu strafen, die behaupten, man müsse immer alles weit im Voraus planen.

Thomaskirche Freiburg

Tullastr. 15
Freiburg im Breisgau


Freiburg im Breisgau
(++49) 0761-72990
P.O. Box 5266
79019 Freiburg

Cultural society directed by Fabio Mòllica
Nineteenth Century Dance School

"Società di Danza" is a Federation of 'Circoli', groups and individuals that agree with the Manifesto, the System of dance and the Educational Material

It performs historical research on Nineteenth Century and Historical dances.
The society aims at reconstructing a dance system belonging to the European tradition. The dances are: quadrilles, country dances, waltzes, polkas and mazurkas.

Societa' di Danza
