19th century

The traditional Easter School of the Società di Danza this year will be in Sestola (Mo).
In one of the most famous Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, we stay at two historic hotels,
the Grand Hotel San Marco and the New Park Hotel, famous for their hospitality and cuisine of Emilia.

In a beautiful natural environment, we will have the opportunity to spend a few days of community life, and to study more in-depth theoretical and practical aspects of our idea of dance.
We study social dances of 19th Century tradition:
Waltz, Quadrilles, polka, mazurka and Scottish Country Dance.

Sestola (Mo) - Italy

Sestola (Modena)


Cultural society directed by Fabio Mòllica Nineteenth Century Dance School "Società di Danza" is a Federation of 'Circoli', groups and individuals that agree... read more

Grand Ball

19th century social dance
Waltz, quadrille, contredance, mazurka, polka, marches, galop

In the enchanting Villa di Corliano (www.corliano.it), one of the most prestigious Renaissance villas in Tuscany, a fifteenth century decorated with graffiti typical of Florentine Mannerist Art and with frescoes, the association 'Societa' di Danza' organizes the

Christmas Grand Ball

in 19th century dress with 19th century social dance of European tradition.
The dance program includes quadrilles, figured waltzes, mazurka, french polka,
various marches, cotillons and galop.

Pisa, Villa di Corliano, S. Giuliano

S. S. Abetone, 50
56010 San Giuliano Terme (PI)


Cultural society directed by Fabio Mòllica Nineteenth Century Dance School "Società di Danza" is a Federation of 'Circoli', groups and individuals that agree... read more
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza promotes historical research on Nineteenth Century and Historical dances, according to the aims of the Società di... read more


+39 360233650
Via S. Michele degli Scalzi 96 Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
56127 Pisa

MC: Mr Ellis Rogers

Music By: Green Ginger
Grand March 7.00pm. Carriages 11.00pm.

Ball Tickets £25 to 30th September 2010
£30 from 1st October 2010

From:- Chris Rogers 24 Laxey Road, Orpington, BR6 6BL
Tel: 01689 600 768
Cheques payable to Quadrille Club
Please wear Victorian dress or similar

see also http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ellis.r/future%20events.htm

York House

Richmond Road
TW1 3AA Twickenham
United Kingdom


01 689 600 768
Ellis Rogers, author of The Quadrille, and a well known 19th century dance specialist. read more read more


01 689 600 768
24 Laxey Road
Orpington BR6 6BL
United Kingdom

19th Century Ball at Borgo di Tragliata
Fiumicino (Roma) - Italy

Live music performed by the Orchestra da ballo del Teatro della Memoria

in the morning (10-13) dance lesson
in the afternoon at 16 Costume Ball (afternoon dress)

bookings before november 30
Phone: (+39)335/336254

Borgo di Tragliata

Via del Casale di Tragliata
Fiumicino (Roma)


PAOLO DI SEGNI Born in Switzerland in 1960, Maestro Di Segni started his musical education following the Jaques-Dalcroze method. He specialized in historical... read more
(+39) 328-3645555
Dance company legally incorporated in 1992. Promotes dance performance from Renaissance to 19th century. Organizes the early dance & music summer workshop... read more


Tänze der StraußÄra | Vintage Ballroom dance
Salontänze von 1850 bis 1900 der großen europäischen und nordamerikanischen Ballsäle

Deutsch: http://www.creanc.com/Tanz-Kurs-Weimar-Ball-2011.pdf
English: http://www.creanc.com/Vintage-dance-course-ball-weimar2011.pdf

Es war einmal … und so beginnt … unsere Märchen(hafte) Sommer-Ballnacht mit romantischen, beschwingt und lustigen, stilvollen Balltänzen, mit den singenden Hänsel & Gretel und einer … Knusperhexe.




+49 1605860040
Englisch Sylvia Hartung reconstructs, choreographies and teaches social (ballroom) dances of the 19th and 20th century from Europe and North America since 2005... read more


+49 1605860040
Glashütter Str. 47b .creanc. Tanz & Kreativwerkstatt | Balltanzschule Dresden
01309 Dresden

Erlernt werden die "Rococo-Quadrille" von Max Gorski, Wien, 1845, sowie weitere Quadrillen und Kontratänze aus Europa und Amerika von 1800 bis 1899; Schlussball in Kostümen am Freitagabend

CVJM Zentrum Hasliberg

Kanton Luzern
6083 Meiringen


++41 (0)31 869 28 65
Schon in der Kindheit bildeten Ballet, Jazztanz und internationaler Volkstanz einen festen Bestandteil des Alltags von Isabel Suri. Nach dem pädagogischen... read more


++41 (0)31 869 28 65
Juraweg 54
3053 Münchenbuchsee