All levels


Vivez un évènement exceptionnel en costume d'époque !


le Bal des Favorites

Le Samedi 23 novembre 2013, à Versailles

dans la galerie des glaces

de l’hôtel de France,

ancien Hôtel particulier de Colbert,  Marquis de Villacerf,

en costumes d'époque 1680/1780.


Organisé par le Bal de Versailles, réputé pour la qualité

de ses bals baroques

et sorties historiques  depuis plus de 10 ans,

le bal des favorites  accueillera

Hotel de France

5 rue Colbert


7.15 p.m. Dr Stuart Hopps has choreographed over a dozen of Shakespeare's plays for the stage and seven for the cinema, working with Kenneth Branagh among others. Not primarily a dance historian, he nevertheless likes to use authentic material as a starting point where possible. Dr Hopps will discuss how he has had to adapt his work to the style and demands of particular productions and the capabilities of the artists involved. The results may be provocative for dance purists, but he hopes nonetheless enjoyable.

The Art Workers Guild

6 Queen Square
WC1N 3AT London
United Kingdom


(0044) 01304 364841
Dr Hopps is a noted choreographer for film & stage and Vice-President of the Early Dance Circle. read more read more
On its website, the EDC lists opportunities to learn and to enjoy historical dancing throughout the UK. You can also find there information on all periods of... read more

Rappel : Atelier de danses du Premier Empire, vendredi 28 juin de 19h à 22h.
Lieu : Micadanses, 15 rue Geoffroy L'Asnier 75004 Paris. 
Métro St Paul ou Pont Marie

Nous nous retrouvons ce vendredi pour le dernier atelier avant les vacances d'été, nous danserons le Quadrille des Lanciers et la Galopade, en espérant que ces figures chorégraphiques fassent venir soleil et température au beau fixe en juillet et en août !
A vendredi !

Studio Micadanses

15 rue Geoffroy-l´Asnier
75004 Paris


0033 6 89 84 99 34
Irène Feste and Pierre-François Dollé are both professional dancers and teachers specialized in historical dance and especially in french Renaissance, baroque... read more



Historisches Tanzfest mit Okzitanis

Ein festlicher Abend mit Tänzen aus Mittelalter und Renaissance für alle Tanzfreunde und interessierte Neulinge.

Zum Tanz spielt das Duo Okzitanis, das auch alle Tänze fachkundig anleitet: Kreis-, Hecken- und Figuren-Tänze, von der Ausgelassenheit dörflicher Feste bis hin zur Pracht höfischer Bälle.

Auch die Gaumenfreuden kommen nicht zu kurz. In den Tanzpausen kredenzt der Wirt ein historisches Mahl.


Schießstätte Allach - Festsaal

Schießstätte Allach

Servetstraße 1
80999 München


Herbei edle Damen und hochwohlgeborene Herren! Herbei Volk! Tanzet, tafelt und erfreuet Eure Gemüter! WÄHREND DER WINTERSAISON: "Bal Renaissance - Danse... read more
Benvenguda und willkommen in Lande Okzitanien! Tretet ein in der okzitanischen Prinzessinnen mystifikante Welt der Wunder des Wohlklangs und der Wandlungen.... read more


18th Società di Danza Summer School
July, 4 - 1, 2013

Maiori (Salerno), on the Amalfi cost

Social dance of European tradition

Società di Danza
Director: Fabio Mòllica

Stage of 19th century dance.
Quadrille, Waltz, Polka, Mazurka and Scottish country dances.

Maiori (Salerno) Italy



Cultural society directed by Fabio Mòllica Nineteenth Century Dance School "Società di Danza" is a Federation of 'Circoli', groups and individuals that agree... read more
+39 3471814048 - +39 3476028526
Società di Danza Bolognese is a cultural society founded in 2008 and is associated to the National Federation "Società di Danza" directed by Fabio Mòllica... read more


lundi 1 er Juillet de 19h à 21 h


Découverte de notre travail de l'année

sous forme d'un cours "Portes Ouvertes"

ouvert à tous , aux amis, aux parents, aux collègues, aux adhérents

Nous vous présenterons nos chorégraphies

travaillées durant cette année,

ainsi qu'une contredanse à laquelle vous serez

tous conviés à vous initier joyeusement, et

aux pas de bases de la danse baroque


nous finirons par une petite collation !

au plaisir de vous rencontrer !

Le bal de Versailles / Catherine de la Villesbrunne

4 bd du roi
78000 Versailles


The 17th century in Spain saw the development of a distinct national style in dance, both sober and passionate, which remained popular even during the influx of French fashions in the 18th century. The technique is full of light leaps, and was created over some of the most irresistible music ever composed, like the folias, chacona and canarios.

During this course, we'll be studying steps and variations from Jaque and Minguet as well as sequences from Spanish traditional dance, such as the fandango. There will also be castanet work with some of the dances.

University of Wroclaw



Jane specialises in Period Opera, Theatre and Dance. She is available as a stage director, choreographer, dance teacher and baroque gesture coach. She is also... read more

“Baroque Music from Ballet and Opera”

Dances, vocal & instrumental music
by Accademia Amsterdam

Perugia (Italy) July 22 – 26, 2013

for enthusiast amateurs and college of music students: dancers, singers, strings, winds, harpsichord/basso continuo

Istituto Musicale “G. Frescobaldi”

Corso Cavour 184
06121 Perugia

Performer, Teacher

+39 334 576 33 13
Accademia Amsterdam is inspired by an Italian institution flourishing in the 17th and 18th centuries, where people gathered to make music and discuss wide-... read more
+31 (0)50 301 28 17
After a training in classical ballet Dorothée Wortelboer specialized in Renaissance and Baroque dance, the dance styles from the 15th until well into the 18th... read more


+31 (0)50 301 28 17
Ellerhuizen 31
9781 TS Bedum

Danza Española del Siglo de Oro:

La Corte se divierte

Imparte: María José Ruiz Mayordomo (Coreógrafo, coreólogo, docente)

Fechas de celebración: 8 al 13 de julio de 2013

Horario: 15,30h a 17,30h


Bailar en las cortes meridionales: Programa

Escola LUTHIER dansa

C. Balmes, 53 baixos
08007 Barcelona


+34 619053032
MARÍA JOSÉ RUIZ MAYORDOMO Coreólogo, coreautor, docente e intérprete coreográfico y musical. Doctor en Teoría de las Artes (URJC – Facult. Ciencias Sociales y... read more


Telèfon: (+34) 93.451.31.38
C. Balmes, 53 baixos
08007 Barcelona



Stage 2 jours (6h) – adhérent 42 € Stage 2 jours

(6h) – non adhérent 60 €

Stage 2 jours (6h) – adhérent -26 ans, intermittent

du spectacle-demandeur d’emploi 32 €

Stage 2 jours (6h) - non adhérent -26 ans,

intermittent du spectacle-demandeur d’emploi 42 €

Adhésion annuelle 20 €

Studio Micadanses

15 rue Geoffroy-l´Asnier
75004 Paris


0033 6 89 84 99 34
Irène Feste and Pierre-François Dollé are both professional dancers and teachers specialized in historical dance and especially in french Renaissance, baroque... read more
