19th century

Step back in time away from tv, radio and mobile phones to an early 19th Century Australian Caves House. Join in daily morning dance workshop, explore caves, rest or join in costume workshops in the afternoon, and attend costume balls in the evening after dinner. All music for the workshops and balls is provided by professional musicians. This costumed event is open to only 40 participants and tickets are on sale already.

Yarrangabilly Caves House, Mt Koziusko, NSW, Australia

87 Schlich Street
2600 Yarralumla


(02) 62811098
Dr John Gardiner-Garden is a dance teacher, researcher, performer, leader, choreographer, organiser and musician (on hurdy-gurdy, border pipes and wooden flute... read more


(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street
ACT 2600 Yarralumla
(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street
ACT 2600 Yarralumla

Aylwen has 25 years experience in historic social dance, as a professional event organiser and arts administrator, tour director, dance performer and as a historical costumer. She has danced in Australia, the US & UK, is costume director for the Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy, has been director of Jane Austen Festival Australia for 6 years, teaches historical costuming classes and shares her antique costume collection whenever possible. She is happy to travel both interstate and overseas when requested to share her skills or organise an event.

Aylwen Gardiner-Garden

(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street
ACT 2600 Yarralumla

Step back in time and join Aylwen and John Gardiner-Garden of the Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy for a historical costume and dance tour of England this September. We have space for 15 guests to join us on tour around London and South-West England. The tour includes all accommodation & breakfast; entry to balls, museums, manor houses, palaces and exhibitions; 7-day travel card in London; entry to dance and costume workshops; private coach travel in Wiltshire; and more.


United Kingdom

Performer, Teacher

(02) 62811098
Aylwen has 25 years experience in historic social dance, as a professional event organiser and arts administrator, tour director, dance performer and as a... read more
(02) 62811098
Dr John Gardiner-Garden is a dance teacher, researcher, performer, leader, choreographer, organiser and musician (on hurdy-gurdy, border pipes and wooden flute... read more
(02) 62811098
Performing group dedicated to Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Regency, Victorian and Vintage Dance. Classes offered weekly at the Australian National University... read more

A celebration of dance scholar José Sasportes on the occasion of his 75th birthday. During the event there will be an instrumental concert, Les Fleurs animées. Pagine musicali dai balletti italiani dell’Ottocento featuring music by some of the best known 19th century ballet composers – Cesare Pugni, Paolo Giorza, Peter Ludwig Hertel and Costantino Dall’Argine – performed on replicas of period instruments by Il Teatro della Memoria Ensemble: Giancarlo Ceccacci (violin), Federico Marincola (guitar), Angela Paletta (oboe), Andrea Toschi (bassoon and orchestration).

Biblioteca Vallicelliana

Piazza della Chiesa Nuova, 18

Performer, Organizer

(+39) 328-3645555
Dance company legally incorporated in 1992. Promotes dance performance from Renaissance to 19th century. Organizes the early dance & music summer workshop... read more


(+39) 328-3645555
via Gradoli, 56
00189 Roma

Freitag, 30. November 2012
13:15 Uhr

Musikhochschule Mannheim
Ballettsaal IV
N7, 17
68161 Mannheim


Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim

N 7,17
68161 Mannheim

DHDS Study Forum

This Study Forum will emphasise the role of practical research in early dance. The twin themes will be technique and performance, ranging from the 15th to the 19th century and extending beyond dance to music and drama. We hope to address such questions as:

Goldsmiths University of London

New Cross
SE14 6NW London
United Kingdom


01234 214103
Anne Daye teaches and publishes widely on 16th - 19th century dance, with an extensive experience of leading summer schools and workshops. She is Lecturer in... read more
Formerly known as Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society (DHDS) UK-based organisation dedicated to Early Dance. It holds classes and summer schools, producing... read more


01234 214103
96 Dover Crescent
MK41 8QH Bedford
United Kingdom

"Le Menuet des Salons" in fünf Figuren von Chardonneret, Paris 1875

"Alliance" in vier Figuren von R. Voss, Berlin 1864

sowie verschiedene Kontratänze aus Europa und Amerika. Am Schlussabend werden alle gelernten Tänze in Kostümen in einem festlichen Rahmen wiederholt.

CVJM Zentrum Hasliberg

Kanton Luzern
6083 Meiringen


++41 (0)31 869 28 65
Schon in der Kindheit bildeten Ballet, Jazztanz und internationaler Volkstanz einen festen Bestandteil des Alltags von Isabel Suri. Nach dem pädagogischen... read more


++41 (0)31 869 28 65
Juraweg 54
3053 Münchenbuchsee

"L'Elégant" Quadrille in 5 Figuren für Paare im Kreis von E. Louis, Paris 1896

ergänzt durch Tänze aus der Bülow Collection, 1773-1792, ev Doppelquadrille aus Dresden, 1780.

Bildungszentrum Burgbühl

St. Antoni


Jørgen Schou-Pedersen (b. 1952) studied the Science of Music at the University of Copenhagen. He has studied the history of dance with many of the leading... read more


++41 (0)31 869 28 65
Juraweg 54
3053 Münchenbuchsee

Auch 2013 lädt Hannelore zum „himmlischen“ Tanzfest in ihre Geburtsstadt ein. Es werden wieder zwei gegensätzliche Tänze das Programm prägen: natürlich Neues und auch Bewährtes und Geliebtes! Mit dem Cotillon des böhmisch-ständischen Landschaftstanzmeisters M. Weininger werden wir wieder einmal Neuland betreten und lassen uns nach Prag ins Jahr 1830 entführen. Abweichend von dem Quadrille Française Typus präsentiert sich dieser „Lieblingstanz der Frauen“ in jugendlicher Frische: Einige der 34 Touren werden von allen 12 Paaren getanzt, andere nur von 4 oder von 6 Paaren.


Althanstrasse 51
1090 Vienna


++43 6644049818
Tanz und Musik bestimmten gleichermaßen den künstlerischen Ausbildungsweg von Hannelore Unfried. Sie verließ die Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst... read more


Nusswaldgasse 23-25
A-1190 Wien