All levels

The Early Dance Circle has prepared a special programme of dance and music composed by Ignatius Sancho (c. 1729 – 14.12.1780) on 14 December 2020.

Sancho is famous nowadays as a man of letters and the first African to vote in a British election. But now you can look forward to reconstructions of Sancho’s choreographies and music by the Hampshire Regency Dancers, Quadrille Club and Green Ginger, as well as discussions and interviews with some knowledgeable experts on his career:

Online (Placeholder for Online Events)



On its website, the EDC lists opportunities to learn and to enjoy historical dancing throughout the UK. You can also find there information on all periods of... read more



Rehearsals, Performance Problems and Audience Reaction in Renaissance Spectacles

Speaker: Dr Jennifer Nevile


Online on Zoom


On its website, the EDC lists opportunities to learn and to enjoy historical dancing throughout the UK. You can also find there information on all periods of... read more

From Fall to Spring: six months for studying six centuries of dance!

Starting in October 2020!

Join Darren Royston, celebrated choreographer and teacher, for online sessions exploring historical dances from medieval periods to the nineteenth century.

Darren, together with guest teachers, artists, specialists, and friends, will recreate historical dance using music, paintings, costumes, history and drama from different periods.

Online on Zoom


was founded by Peggy Dixon as a performance company in 1966. Under the artistic leadership of Darren Royston, the company continues its legacy of research,... read more


Playford – The ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of his continuing success today through dances, bands, his London, his contemporaries, and choreography

About this Event

Online on Zoom


Formerly known as Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society (DHDS) UK-based organisation dedicated to Early Dance. It holds classes and summer schools, producing... read more


1 Battle Green, Epworth
DN9 1JT Doncaster
United Kingdom

L'association propose des stages tous niveaux de danse baroque menés par Nick Nguyen. Chaque stage comprend un cours de technique sur la forme et le style des pas de base et un travail sur le répertoire, ainsi que sur des chorégraphies originales. Dates : samedi 31 octobre 2020 et dimanche 1er novembre 2020, samedi 13 et dimanche 14 février 2021, samedi 24 et dimanche 25 avril 2021. Tarif : 55 euros. Lieu : Maison de la danse à Auxerre (89). Horaires : 17 h/21 h le samedi, 10 h - 13 h/14 h- 17 h le dimanche. Pour le premier stage, voir le document joint. 


Maison de la Danse Auxerre

11 rue Milliaux Maison de la Danse
89000 Auxerre


+33 (0)3 86 47 15 49
Après des études de mime et de danse classique Nick Nguyen est engagé au Ballet National d’Equateur puis au Washington ballet. De retour en France il rencontre... read more


6 bis rue Chatel Bourgeois
89 380 Appoigny

Danza Antica wird 40 Jahre alt. Das wird betanzt!

Mit einfachen Cotillons, Country Dances und Branles aus Renaissance und Barock, zusammen mit Freundinnen und Freunden, Bekannten und noch Unbekannten:

  • 15:00 - 16:00 Kreis- und Reihentänze für die Kleinen.
  • 16:00 - 17:00 Kreis- und Reihentänze auch für die Grossen.
  • 17:00 - 18:30 Country Dances & Contredanses
  • 18:30  20:00 Cotillons

Kaffee und Geburtstagskuchen. Freies Kommen und Gehen. Herzlich Willkommen.



Pfingstweidstr. 16


+41 79 455 37 42
Seit 1980 widmet sich der Verein "Danza Antica" dem historischen Gesellschaftstanz in allen seinen Facetten. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Volkshochschule Zürich... read more
+41 (0)79 455 3742


+41 (0)79 455 3742
Tellstrasse 31
8004 Zürich

Discover the diverse world of early dance and experience the connection between movement, music, and beauty through time at this Midsummer Early Dance and Music Virtual Festival!

Midsummer Eve is one of the spirit nights of the year, when the boundaries between the worlds are the thinnest. Let’s use this magic to travel in time! Though science says it is impossible we will use dance & music as our time travel machine. During this virtual Festival we celebrate the longest day of the year with music and dance from 15th to 20th centuries.

Online on Zoom


Charlotte is a teacher, dancer and researcher of historical dance particularly focusing on dance and movement in the medieval and Renaissance periods. Her... read more
Our studio is a historic dance school, based on dances from the Middle Ages to the XX century. We are glad to present you all aspects of our school - from... read more
Edmund Fairfax is a specialist in eighteenth-century ballet technique. He was an early-dance consultant for the Toronto-based company Ballet Espressivo 2003-... read more
HUBERT HAZEBROUCQ is a professional dancer, choreographer and teacher specialized in historical dances since 1998. He has performed with many Baroque and... read more
Gorleston Great Yarmouth read more read more


EH17 7NA Edinburgh
United Kingdom

A series of 5 notation reading classes, for different levels, via Zoom. Time zone UK

Weekly Classes Thursdays: A: Beginners/Improvers: 6:45pm-8:15pm; C: Intermediate: 8:30pm-9:30pm.

Series 1) April 15th - May 13th;

Series 2) May 27th -  June 24th;

Series 3) July 8th - August 5th.

Philippa Waite

62 Caer Castell Place
CF3 3PW Cardiff
United Kingdom


+44 29 2049 0680
Philippa Waite is well known as a performer and teacher of Baroque dance.  She studied with Wendy Hilton and taught for her at the annual Baroque Music and... read more


+44 29 2049 0680
62 Caer Castell Place Consort de Danse Baroque
CF3 3PW Cardiff
United Kingdom

Dieser Workshop ist eine Einführung in den Renaissance- und Barocktanz verschiedener europäischer Länder, besonders in Frankreich, Spanien und Italien. Die vergleichende Arbeit zwischen den Tänzen der verschiedenen Länder und der beiden genannten Epochen soll uns die enge Verwandtschaft zwischen ihnen zeigen.

Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird auf das Verhältnis zwischen Musik und Tanz gelegt. Dies ist ein wichtiges Element für die Rekonstruktion des historischen Tanzes. Dies wird für Musiker von großer Nützlichkeit für ihre Interpretation dieser Tanzstücke sein.

Studio No. 1

Alberstraße 4
90478 Nürnberg


+33 01 42 49 08 42
Français Née en Espagne, Ana Yepes vit à Paris. Diplômée du Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Madrid, elle suit des cours d’analyse et d’harmonie avec... read more
0151 20478501
A performing group dedicated to Nuremberg's time of glamour in the 15th and 16th century: music and dance and tradition. read more read more


0151 20478501
Heuweg 25
91560 Heilsbronn

19th edition – Rome (Italy) July 25 – August 2, 2020

L'Humor Bizzarro

Early Music & Dance courses managed by
Il Teatro della Memoria
(Directors: Claudia Celi and Andrea Toschi)

19th Edition – Rome July 25-26 / July 31-August 2, 2020   All hosting venues have notified us their COVID-19 safety protocols that will be timely communicated to all registered students





PAOLO DI SEGNI Born in Switzerland in 1960, Maestro Di Segni started his musical education following the Jaques-Dalcroze method. He specialized in historical... read more
  Claudia Celi specialized in Early Dance with Barbara Sparti, Francine Lancelot, Shirley Wynne, Angene Feves, Cecilia Grácio Moura. She teaches Dance History... read more
(+39) 328-3645555
Dance company legally incorporated in 1992. Promotes dance performance from Renaissance to 19th century. Organizes the early dance & music summer workshop... read more


(+39) 328-3645555
via Gradoli, 56
00189 Roma